Drag-and-Drop Examples in E-Learning #21: Challenge | Recap
In this week’s blog post, Tom shared great tips for crafting good drag & drop interactions. That post must have ignited a lot of ideas because we were delightfully inundated with drag-and-drop questions this week at Learning Technologies in London.
One of the hot questions was how to create drag-and-drop interactions for non-quizzing activities. Here are a few examples we shared about this at the conference:
Drag-and-drop to reveal
This fun example demonstrates a novel way to use drag-and-drop to reveal hidden objects or messages.
Modeled after a scratch-and-win lottery ticket, this drag-and-drop interaction leans on Storyline’s variables to count the number of times the quarter is dragged over an object.
View the drag-and-drop example
Drag-and-drop to complete
Using multiple objects, learners drag objects to complete an optical illusion puzzle. How can this type of game be applied to procedural training?
View the drag-and-drop example | Download
Drag-and-drop to trigger a response
In this example, learners are asked to drag the microphone to each candidate to hear a response.
View the drag-and-drop example
Challenge of the week
This week your challenge is to build a drag-and-drop interaction based on one of the three examples above.
Don’t have time to put an activity together? No problem. Just share some ideas for ways to use drag-and-drop in non-quizzing activities. We’ll pull the ideas together and use them for a future challenge!
Resources and templates
To help you get started, check out these drag-and-drop resources and tutorials:
Blogs and discussions:
- Office Navigation: How to Create a Custom Drag-Drop Interaction
- How to create a scratch-off effect in Articulate Storyline
- Creating Custom Drag-and-Drop E-Learning Interactions
- How to simulate real-world tasks with drag-and-drop interactions
- Create a Drag-and-Drop Interaction
- Drag-and-drop in Quizmaker ‘13
- Video drag & drop video player: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
- How to create a Storyline drag & drop question where multiple drag objects can be dropped on multiple targets
- How to make draggable items disappear when dropped on their target
- How to reset drag-and-drop interactions with more than two attempts
- Drag-drop sorting interaction
Demos & templates:
- Drag-and-Drop: Custom Interaction
- Optical Illusion - Drag n' Drop
- Drag-and-Drop: Video Loader
- Drag-and-Drop: Corkboard Interaction
- Drag-and-Drop: Quotes Interaction
- Decision-Making Interaction
- Door Navigation: How to Create a Custom Drag-Drop Interaction
- Drag-and-drop examples
Last week’s e-learning challenge
Before you drag-and-drop your way to e-learning stardom, check out the creative ways your fellow community members asked learners to prove they were learning:
- Jackie Van Nice shared a creative idea for incorporating the NEXTCHA button into an audit course. Be sure to check out Jackie’s blog post that describes how she built her project. Great job, Jackie!
- Montse Anderson followed up with a creative use for interactive text fields in compliance courses.
- Jeff Kortenbosch asked learners to think quickly in this time-based version of NEXTCHA.
- Paul Alders shared his own icon-based version of NEXTCHA in this creative demo. Be sure to check out Paul's website to download his source files!
About the challenges
The weekly challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. We’ll feature your work and provide feedback if you request it.
Hope your week is drag-and-drop-tastic, E-Learning Heroes!
Even if you’re using a trial version of Studio ’13 or Storyline, you can absolutely publish your challenge files. Just sign up for a fully functional, free 30-day trial, and have at it. And remember to post your questions and comments in the forums; we're here to help. For more e-learning tips, examples, and downloads, follow us on Twitter.