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E-Learning Challenges

Using Text, True/False, and Number Variables in E-Learning #454

DavidAnderson's avatar
11 months ago

Using Three Types of Variables in E-Learning #454: Challenge | Recap

This week, we're working with variables. Which ones? All of them. That means we're using true/false, text, and number variables. 

Q: What are variables and how are they used in e-learning?

A: Variables are used to remember information—such as a learner's name, personalizing courses, adaptive branching, or randomizing content—and then present dynamic content based on that information. Storyline 360 supports three types of variables: true/false, text, and number variables. 

Q: Hold on. What about random variables? Aren't there really four types?

A: There's always a wise guy. Random (number) variables are a type of number variables. Let's split the difference and call it 3 1/2 types of variables. Deal?

Q: Do I need to learn variables to build e-learning?

A: Nope. You don't need variables to build interactive e-learning. Storyline's core building blocks (states, layers, and triggers) are all you need to create interactions. But when you want to create more dynamic and personalized learning experiences, you'll need to know how to use variables.

Q: How do I get started using variables?

A: One of the easiest ways to get started with variables is to use text-entry fields to capture and display the learner's name.

When you insert a text-entry field, Storyline automatically creates the variable. You only need to "use the variable" by inserting a variable reference to display the variable's value.

Variables are also used when inserting a slider, dial, or customizing quiz results slides

Q: I've never used variables but want to join the challenge. How can I get help?

A: That's what the challenges are all about. If you get stuck or have questions, please post in the comments section or in the E-Learning Heroes forums. The forums might be your best option because you can easily attach your project files. But wherever you post, we're happy to help.

🏆 Challenge of the Week

This week, your challenge is to share an example that uses all three (and a half) types of variables. You can build a single-slide example using all three types or multiple slides to include each variable type.

🧰 Resources

✨ Share Your E-Learning Work

  • Comments: Use the comments section below to link your published example and blog post.
  • Forums: Start a new thread and share a link to your published example.
  • Personal blog: If you have a blog, please consider writing about your challenges. We'll link to your posts so your great work gets even more exposure.
  • Social media: If you share your demos on Twitter or LinkedIn, try using #ELHChallenge so your tweeps can follow your e-learning coolness.

🙌 Last Week’s Challenge:

Before you dial into this week’s challenge, check out creative ways course designers are using interactive dials in e-learning:

Dials in E-Learning RECAP #453: Challenge | Recap

👋 New to the E-Learning Challenges?

The weekly e-learning challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challengesanytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.

Learn more about the challenges in this Q&A post and why and how to participate in this helpful article.

📅 Next Week’s Challenge

  • Challenge #455 (03.29): Push vs. pull e-learning. Are you telling or asking? This was one of my most-referenced blog posts when I managed a team of IDs and course designers. My idea for this challenge is to see before-and-after examples of push and pull types of slides.
  • Challenge #456 (04.05): Chunky fonts. This week we're stepping away from the default fonts and playing with heavy, bold, and thick fonts, to create eye-catching headlines, titles, and whatever else you can imagine. 

🚨 Contact Information

Just a quick heads up – if you want your blog, website, or LinkedIn included in our recap posts, could you do me a favor and add or update those links onto your ELH profile sometime this week?

I found some broken links last week when I pulled the recap together. You spend a lot of time building creative examples, and your work deserves all the attention it can get.

If you make changes, please let me know in the comments below. Thanks!

Published 11 months ago
Version 1.0