xAPI Examples from E-Learning Designers #375: Challenge | Recap
Challenge of the Week
This week, your challenge is to share a short demo or interaction to help course designers learn more about xAPI.
You don't need to know xAPI or build a working demo using xAPI in Storyline to participate this week. For example, Holly's course is a perfect starting point for anyone new to xAPI.
You can build a simple demo project if you're already familiar with xAPI. Please include your source file so others can learn from your work.
Rise: Learn All About xAPI
This course is a good resource for xAPI newbies. Even though it's a few years old, it does a great job covering the basics. Please don't feel like you need to build something this comprehensive for this week's challenge. I like the information-based approach Holly used to design the course. It’s a great starting point for anyone new to xAPI because it doesn't require building an actual demo.
Here are some xAPI resources to help you get started this week. Please feel free to share other resources in the comments.
- An Introduction to xAPI
- Storyline 360: Custom xAPI Statements
- Rise: Learn All About xAPI
More xAPI Resources
- DevLearn Experiment: how to speak xAPI? by Zsolt Olah
- Playing with the xAPI Statement Builder (xapi.ly) by Zsolt Olah
- The Full Guide to xAPI and Storyline by Devlin Peck
- My journey with xAPI and Articulate Storyline by Devlin Peck
Share Your E-Learning Work
- Comments: Use the comments section below to share a link to your published example and blog post.
- Forums: Start your own thread and share a link to your published example..
- Personal blog: If you have a blog, please consider writing about your challenges. We’ll link back to your posts so the great work you’re sharing gets even more exposure.
- Social Media: If you share your demos on Twitter or LinkedIn, try using #ELHChallenge so your tweeps can track your e-learning coolness.
Last Week’s Challenge:
Before you make a statement in this week’s challenge, check out the creative ideas for zooming and magnifying images your fellow course designers shared over the past week:
Magnifying Images in E-Learning RECAP #374: Challenge | Recap
New to the E-Learning Challenges?
The weekly e-learning challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.
Learn more about the challenges in this Q&A post and why and how to participate in this helpful article.