Transfer a Rise course into Powerpoint?

Oct 02, 2019

I built two beautiful RISE courses but have some locations that need a hard copy due to not having any internet. Is there a way to transfer them into powerpoint so that I can create a hard copy?

30 Replies
Lauren Connelly

Hello Noel!

We have an active feature request for enhancing the PDF output when publishing a Rise course to PDF. I've linked this conversation to the feature request to update you if this feature makes it on our roadmap.

In the meantime, I hope other community members will share if they've found a workaround! I appreciate you taking the time to share in this discussion, Noel!

Noel Lyons

Thank you for the response - it would be hugely helpful to have this feature improved. We have to offer online and in-person training and we'd like to build online first and convert to PPT or PDF for the in-person training so the presentation is consistent online or off.

Please do keep me on the list for updates and if you need a BETA tester - I can help!
Thank you!

Noël Lyons
Corporate Instructional Designer, Learning & Development

Claus Andersen

I had the same question, as the page split are really bad. What I just did now, was publish to PDF, then upload the PDF to my Adope from where I can convert to PPT. If you do not intent to use it as PPT, you can edit the pages and just save as PDF again. 

The solution works for me, eventhough it takes a few steps.

Heather Seemuth-Johnson

Adding my voice also to request to have Rise 360 courses be able to convert / export to PowerPoint. We start with storyboards in Powerpoint and once approved then move to creating the RISE course (alpha build) and then work to refine from there. We at times then need to be able to take an existing RISE course to use it as the new base / storyboard for a next version or course. Sometimes the storyboard in PowerPoint is a more effective way from our stakeholders to revise and input content --- rather than only using comments in RISE. We have had to copy and paste (like others have mentioned) in order to do this.

Luciana Piazza

Hi Noel! 

Thanks for sharing your voice with us! I've added your request to the report and will update this discussion if we have any news to share. If you'd like to stay up to date, please bookmark our Feature Roadmap.

Also, it looks like part of your email signature came through when you replied via email. You can remove that if needed by clicking ‘Edit’ beneath your response. Here’s a quick Peek video if you need help.

Have a great start to your week and happy developing!