Quizmaker 360: What does the "Show in quiz review" checkbox do?

Feb 06, 2018

Hello, Studio 360 users! I have a question about a Quizmaker 360 feature. Does anyone know what the "Show in quiz review" checkbox option does?

Some quick background: I have a 5-slide quiz. The first slide is just a blank introductory slide that has instructions and a hyperlink to a document. The remaining four slides are the actual questions based on the document. In the Question pane for the blank intro slide at the start, there is a checkbox called "Show in quiz review". I unchecked it, since I don't want this slide to appear when users review their answers. However, the slide still appears when you click the Review Quiz button in the results slide, even with this unchecked. I guess I was hoping to restrict this intro slide from appearing when reviewing answers, because it's not an actual question.

Am I misunderstanding what this option actually does? Does anyone have any information on what it's supposed to do? Thank you!

(Edit: I tried to attach a screenshot, but the site gives me an error message of "An unhandled lowlevel error occurred" each time I try.)

21 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Thanks for sending over your file, Andrew. It looks like we've got a bug here. The introductory slide incorrectly appears during quiz review in the HTML5 output, but it doesn't in the Flash output. 

I'm going to share this with my team so we can begin looking into a fix. I appreciate you bringing this to my attention, and I'm really sorry if it is causing you headaches. I'll let you know as soon as a fix is released!

Lauren Connelly

Hi Melanie!

I'm sorry this is affecting your course! I don't have any updates on the bug in Quizmaker 360 but when we do we'll report back to this discussion.

I see in the bug report that this is an issue specifically in the HTML output in Quizmaker 360. Are you viewing the course in a specific browser or LMS? If so, I'll make sure to add additional details to the report so we can continue troubleshooting. 

Melanie Sexton

Hi Lauren,

I'm publishing as HTML with Flash fallback. I have the problem no matter how I view it--in Review 360 in Chrome, Edge, or Safari and through my LMS on Moodle Cloud.

Is there any workaround for this until the bug is fixed? The only thing that seems to work is to import the quiz to Storyline, but that creates other issues. 


Conor Striegel

Hi Lauren, Thanks for you reply. We chose to use Quizmaker because we need the option "submit all at once". It would be great if that feature would be available in Storyline as well. Because we would like have numbered and randomized questions as well, instead of having to use (hard-coded) numbered questions in Quizmaker. 

Ren Gomez

Hi Conor,

Thanks for the follow-up! Is your course menu restricted in Storyline 360? If not, as long as you have the Prev/Next buttons, the learner should be able to skip any question and submit all at once when they reach the results slide.

You can also use question banks to randomize a specific set of questions. If you'd like some help setting this up, feel free to share your .story file with our support team!

Share your file with us.
Conor Striegel

Hi Ren,

Thanks for offering to look at our files, but I've been trying this for some days and I'm pretty sure in Storyline we can't meet our requirements for an exam. We NEED to stop learners from submitting their answers when they haven't answered all questions. That's why we chose Quizmaker, even though we had to ditch some of our nice-to-haves (ie randomized AND numbered quistions).


With the settings in Quizmaker I shared in my previous post, it's possible to show learners the message below when they click "Submit all" and questions are incomplete. However, Storyline doesn't seem to have this option.

Notification Quizmaker

Unfortunately, we couldn't find any way of showing progress in Quizmaker (ie Question 1 of 15) without hard-coding the text to the slides. Which means we can't use randomized questions.

It would be great if we could do all this in Storyline (or Quizmaker), but for us it's important to stop learners submitting an incomplete exam.

Therefore, we would still like to know if and when the issue with the review slides will be solved. 


Leslie McKerchie

Thanks, Conor.

I do not have a timeline to provide on the original issue that you mentioned. I wanted to share some information on how we define bugs and how we tackle them when they occur.

That being said, I wanted to help you find an update that may work for you.

I understand that you need your quiz to include:

  • Submit All
  • Numbered
  • Randomized
  • Require all to be answered

I've created a simple file demonstrating an option. Please note, that the 'requirement' is more of an alert and the user can still submit without completing, but they would be making that choice and the questions would be marked incorrect.

Gary Bufferd

Hello!  Has this issue yet been resolved (as originally reported by Andrew Lowe about 4 years ago)?  I, too, have unchecked the "Show in quiz review" box for my introduction/instruction slide to a knowledge assessment, but when I publish the quiz (at least to the review site), the intro slide still appears when I click on the "Review Quiz" button on the results slide.