does everyone else find that exporting content as a video takes too long?

Aug 01, 2018


I don't know if this is an Articulate issue or because I need an IT upgrade. But every time I export content from Articulate 360 as a video it takes a huge amount of time.

At the moment I'm exporting 21 slides as a video and so far it has taken 55 minutes, and there is still a fair way to go.

Could someone please tell me about their experiences exporting videos, and whether this is a known problem or not. 





42 Replies
Chris Stratton

I'm having this same issue. I have a project with 23 slides, and each slide has audio and animations. When I try to export as video, it gets through all of the encoding of audio, compression of images, etc. very fast. However, when it gets to the Encoding Video stage, each second of video is taking ~6-8 seconds to encode. This does not seem right.

I am using the current version of Storyline (44), and tried using next triggers instead of slide order (my slides are in numerical order), but either way I get the same result. I'm trying to export locally to my desktop as well.

Has anyone been able to fix this? When I create videos using Camtasia the publishing process is super fast. 6-8 seconds of encoding per second of video should not be normal. 

Cathy Schmaltz

I'm having this issue as well! I have a 5 minute video I am trying to export as MP4 (it is saved on my local drive, not a cloud drive), and I've tried it four times so far, but had to cancel because it was taking 8+ hours and it slows down my computer. I'm on my 5th attempt so far and it's been 6 hours! GEEZE

Katie Riggio

Hi Sara!

Referencing the support cases above, it looks like we took file-specific approaches. If you're comfortable with sharing the file, we can run through this publish option for more tailored support:

In the meantime, we have these tips for preparing courses for video publishing in Storyline 360.

Shaun Dow

I am currently experiencing this issue. I recently imported a 14-minute .mp4 so I could overlay some .png images in a few select spots throughout the video. When I publish to video it is taking about 2.5 hours. I have tried twice now, and each time the export takes this long, and to make matters worse the video freezes at about the 1:38 mark - but the audio continues.

I am using the most recent version of Storyline and have verified with my I.T. team that my computer has the chops to be able to handle it. Can anyone help me work through this? 

Jason Morse

Just took 4hours to render out a 33min video from 22slides.  My pc is a R9 3900x with 64gigs of ram, with a 1tb NVME drive. The performance of storyline 360 is abysmal, this would have took 3-4 mins top  using afterFX or animate. The encoder was only using .1 to .6 of my cpu the entire time. Its WELL past time that storyline move on from 32bit to 64bit. 

Lauren Connelly

Hello all!

We released another update for Storyline 360 (Build 3.52.25156.0) today, which included a fix for the bug where projects with screen recordings took an exceedingly long time to publish as a video file. 

Update Storyline 360 in your Articulate 360 desktop app to take advantage of the newest fixes and features.

If you have any questions, you can reach our team in this discussion or in a support case.

Becca Levan

Hello Peter!

Thanks for reaching out, and I'm sorry to hear this is taking up so much time!

If you're comfortable sharing your file privately, I'd like one of our support engineers to test things out and provide insight. Feel free to start a case here, and one of my teammates will reach out with a next step!