Forum Discussion
Removing Correct/Incorrect pop up at the bottom of the Post review feedback layer
Hi everyone, I've been trying to remove/edit the "correct/Incorrect" feedback that we get by default on having a Post-quiz review, but it seems impossible.
I could edit the Review slide from the feedback master, but the feedback at the bottom still seems to appear.
Please do let me know, if there is a way to remove/edit that.
- ashrafakbar38Community Member
HI Shravan
You can hide them with some shapes of similar colour as your slide. see the attachment
- shravantomCommunity Member
Hey Ashraf, Thanks for your reply, but the solution that you have provided works partically for me as i have custom Prev and Next buttons and also, i want the "Tick mark" to be removed.
Please let me know, if we can remove/edit those.
- ashrafakbar38Community Member
You are welcome. Yes you can remove them. Go to the result slide properties and click on options and uncheck the "show correct/incorrect responses when reviewing".
Good luck
- shravantomCommunity Member
Thanks Ashraf.
Got things cleared.
- AdamLarsen1Community Member
How is this done in Storyline 3? I don't see any Result Slide Properties area that has any boxes to check/uncheck.
I have a bunch of fill-in-the-blank questions, and every possible correct answer is listed randomly on the screen, sometimes in very large font! I have custom feedback layers, so I don't need this feedback overlapping with my custom feedback.
I'm ok with the Correct/Incorrect banner at the bottom. But I'd like to get rid of the green checkmark and the "correct responses" that are randomly placed on the screen.
- ashrafakbar38Community Member
Happy to help !
- AngiePoloCommunity Member
Hi Angie!
Are you referring to the red and green banner that appears at the bottom of the slide during quiz review?
Although you can't edit the banner, you can cover it with a shape that matches the background of the slide. Simply add the shape to the 'Review Feedback' feedback master layout. I hope that helps!
- BrianGlover-8e8Community Member
Hi Alyssa,
I'm building a quiz using Storyline 3, and I've tried every single approach to getting this to work, with no success. In the "review feedback" master, I've placed a blank white shape just as you've done in your sample file. It doesn't appear in the output. The red and green banners are still visible.
- AdamLarsen1Community Member
I actually found the answer, but I'll include it here, in case anyone else has the same question.
See the image to correspond with the steps, below.
1. On the Results Slide, click your "Review Quiz" button.
2. Go to the "Button Tools" Tab.
3. Click the "When Clicked Action" button on the left in the tab.
4. In the Trigger Wizard, uncheck the box labeled "Show correct/incorrect responses when reviewing."
5. Click "OK."
- WendyFarmerSuper Hero
Hi Adam
that behaviour is different for SL360 - unchecking that option just stops the tick from displaying against the correct response - the feedback correct/incorrect banner still shows
The banner can't be removed but you can create a custom 'Review' layer that has a white shape that covers up the banner
- CarmelaPereiraCommunity Member
Is there a way to physically move the banner so that it's not showing up at the bottom of the screen? We have screens that are using the zoom functionality and the banners are not seen because of the zoom. Is there a workaround for this?
- AdamLarsen1Community Member
Thanks, Wendy! I'm on SL3, not SL360, but I'm assuming the procedure is similar.
I wasn't too concerned about the Correct/Incorrect banner at the bottom. It's a good way to tell the learner if they got it right/wrong.
But since I'm simulating some of our screens, the checkmarks & text were not the kind of feedback I needed. I created custom feedback layers , but the checkmarks & text were still showing, despite my custom feedback. They were also messing up, which I wasn't able to edit. (See example, below. The orange box is my custom feedback. The black lettering is Storyline's default. For some reason, it's also HUGE!)
But I was able to find the check-box Ashraf was talking about above, by using the steps I described above. That took care of the checkmarks & text which was cluttering up my feedback layers. :)
- WendyFarmerSuper Hero
Hi Adam
I read the post heading Removing Correct/Incorrect pop up at the bottom of the Post review feedback layer
and was responding to that...sorry for the misunderstanding. All the best with your project :-)
- DavidElsinger-1Community Member
Hi Wendy,
My issue is that I would like the learner to be able to see the base layer upon reviewing the quiz but the Correct or Incorrect layer is in the way on some of the slides (see attached image.)
I have a button trigger on each quiz question slide to close the Correct/Incorrect slide layer when the user clicks.
On the quiz results slide the Review Button has a trigger to review Correct/Incorrect answers.
Please let me know what might be going on.
- AdamLarsen1Community Member
Thanks a lot! Have a great day, Wendy!
Hi Carmela!
Are you talking about the seek bar at the bottom of the slide? I went ahead and created this short test course. Are you able to view it and identify the area you're hoping to hide?
If it's easier, you can always share the file here by using the "add attachment" button. If you prefer to share your file privately, our Support Engineers will be happy to take a look!