Storyline 360, French translation bug on duration

Mar 18, 2021


There is a bug in the french translation of automatic duration setting in Publish/Projet Info.

It's written "à propos de xxx minutes". About in french can be translated as "à propos" or "environ". When used  in context like about us, that would be "à propos de nous" but in this context, about should be translated as "environ", so it would be "environ xx minutes"


4 Replies
Ludovic M

Hi Lauren !
You are welcome.

I have just noticed another translation improvement :

When working on screencast, in the Action fine tuning window there are two buttons "cadre précédent" and "cadre suivant" (previous frame and next frame).

Frame can be translated as image in this context. It is the same context as Frame Per Second in a video, that would be translated as Images Par Seconde in french. "Cadre" is ok when talking about the frame around a canvas painting.

Moreover, "Update start frame" has been translated "Mettre à jour l'image de départ", so "Image précédente" and "Image suivante" would be better.

Leslie McKerchie

Hello again, Ludovic!

I wanted to pop in and let you know that we released another update for Storyline 360 today. 

We corrected two issues you outlined here:

  • instead of "à propos de xxx minutes" it should be "environ xx minutes"
  • there are two buttons "cadre précédent" and "cadre suivant" (previous frame and next frame) should be so "Image précédente" and "Image suivante"

Please launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer and click the Update button for Storyline 360. Details here.

Please let us know if you have any further questions!