Storyline won't publish to MS Word

Jan 24, 2023

I am no longer able to publish my Storyline courses to MS Word this started when I had Storyline 3 and continues even now that I have 360.

When I publish to Word and click the view document button, nothing happens. Plus, when looking in the folder where it's supposed to publish to, the file's not there. 

Another issue is that Storyline will not record MS Word screens. I can record any other screen or software but not Word.  So it seems like Storyline and Word are refusing to work together.

I have installed and reinstalled both Storyline and Word but this did not help.

Pinned Reply
Luciana Piazza

Hello Everyone! ✨

I'm happy to share that we have released a new update for Storyline 360 (Build 3.78.30680.0).

In this update, we have implemented a fix for:

  • Storyline 360 didn't always generate an error when projects failed to publish to Word.

As a first stepI recommend updating Storyline 360 to the latest version. Here's how:

Update Authoring Apps

If you have any questions on Update 78, please let us know in this thread or privately in a support case.

Have a great day! 

19 Replies
Jürgen Schoenemeyer
When I publish to Word and click the view document button, nothing happens. Plus, when looking in the folder where it's supposed to publish to, the file's not there.

same here with Windows 11 Pro 2h2, Storyline 360 (3.72) and Office 2019 Home

Update: "Translation/Export to Word" is ok

Jürgen Schoenemeyer

it happens on a new create .story file, which a had made for testing shadow text*

I you want, I can test the same .story file on my different computers - I have one installation with the problem and one without the problem

* i don't think shadow text has anything to do with the problem, but i can test it

Jürgen Schoenemeyer

with the help of sysinternals/Procmon I found some interesting details

I have installed
  (1) on my Win 11 computer Office 2019 Home (64 bit)
  (2) on my Win 10 computer Office 2019 Pro (32 bit)

both are supported by storyline

in the log-files your developers can see, that the methode to find word don't work on the (1) installation

storyline searches "HKCR\Word.Application"
 - this is ok on installation (2)
 - but not for installation (1)

the registry key has a different name "HKCR\Word.Application.16

-> word is not found, storyline stops the "Publish to Word" without an error message


Joanna Phillips

I am having this SAME issue. It also started with Storyline 3 and continues in Storyline 360. I have opened a ticket but they told me that they were not able to replicate the issue. 

I do work on a virtual desktop using Parallel since there isn't a Mac version of Storyline. 

I DO believe I have printed out word documents before without any issues. I also tried changing the location to shorten the filename path. Still nada. 

Joanna Phillips

Ok. Not sure why someone reported me for saying the system I was using. BUT solution. Even though I have installed Microsoft 365 on my mac itself. I have to have it also installed in the virtual desktop too. Storyline is depended on the Word library. At least this was the solution for me. TIA

Luciana Piazza

Hello Everyone! ✨

I'm happy to share that we have released a new update for Storyline 360 (Build 3.78.30680.0).

In this update, we have implemented a fix for:

  • Storyline 360 didn't always generate an error when projects failed to publish to Word.

As a first stepI recommend updating Storyline 360 to the latest version. Here's how:

Update Authoring Apps

If you have any questions on Update 78, please let us know in this thread or privately in a support case.

Have a great day!