Forum Discussion
How to get rid of the 'Big Black Play button' when publishing Storyline.
This question pops up over and over again, so i made a new post i can point to whenever someone asks about this.
For Storyline360, either in your published folder or in the Programme folder find the slides.min.js file.
(C:\Program Files (x86)\Articulate\360\Storyline\player\unified\html5\lib\scripts)
What i did was unminifying the it becomes what more readable
Used this here...
I added several console.log("now this happens") to the slides.min.js to figure out where what happened exactly and thus soon found that there are several functions in it that cause the playbutton on mobiles.
All quite could i just call one of these functions ?
After several tests and retry's i found that just adding
this.onStart(); at the end of the onMobileStart function overrides the play button and mobile behaves as desired.
So this is onMobileStart inside slides.min.js
onMobileStart: function (t) {
var e,
n = this;
(this.rejectDeferred = t.rejectDeferred),
o.addClass(document.body, "resume-shown"),
(e = { visible: !0 }),
t.mobileStartAsPrompt && (e.isResumePrompt = !0),
this.setState(e, function () {
var t = null != n.refs.resume ? n.refs.resume : n.refs.playIcon;
c.env.is360 || t.focus(), l.trigger(u.startOverlay.READY);
Adding my slides.min.js file for anyone to test it with. Make sure though to copy and save your original one somewhere, so in case of troubles you can go back. Also keep in mind that whenever Articulate updates Storyline this file will be updated too, and you need to do the procedure above again.
DO NOT copy and replace the slides.min.js file with this one after updates...because Articulate might have changed not advised using an older file. Redo the steps and change your own slides.min.js file.
- SarahHodgeFormer Staff
This is super cool, Math! Haven't tried it yet, but thanks so much for sharing!
- WillP-77b83958-Community Member
Looking forward to giving it a try. Great job.
- JenniferClarkeCommunity Member
Bookmarked this, baby - thanks!
- MathNotermans-9Community Member
Yeah in some posts i mentioned that Articulate engineers should check this out.
I didnot test it on all browsers/devices. In fact i have to do it then after each update, might do it when we get a new update and test it on all browsers/devices. - OwenHoltSuper Hero
Bookmarking this.
- MathNotermans-9Community Member
As Articulate just updated Storyline360 i changed and updated my slides.min.js file and just tested it on Review and on TalentLMS. Worked fine there, no 'Big bad black button of Despair' .
Adding the latest file here so anyone wanted can test with this one. As i solely work with the Modern Player, its for the unified folder.
- ScottPearsonCommunity Member
Hi Math,
Can you please help as I have this issue with one of my courses?
would you provide step by step process of how I do the above as I have never done this before?
many thanks in advance.
- MathNotermans-9Community Member
Aint the steps above clear enough ?
Offcourse i help. First question... are you using Storyline360 or Storyline3. Because they differ.
Kind regards,
- ScottPearsonCommunity Member
Thank you Math 🙏
I am using Storyline 360 to create the video and assessment slides and then uploading them into a Rise 360 course I am creating.
- MathNotermans-9Community Member
Ok, SL360 is easiest to explain . I will make a step-by-step approach for it. Do keep in mind that for uploading to Rise you do need to edit the Programme files folder as you directly publish to Review.
- ScottPearsonCommunity Member
Thank you Math that's amazing. Would you also please explain how to edit the Programme files folder in the step by step instructions?
- MathNotermans-9Community Member
Yeah will do..
- StefanKhlerCommunity Member
Hi Math,
do you have a idea to make the resume button bigger? Our clients are people with disabilities so they need a bigger "resume button": Any thouhgts?
Thanks in advance!
- MathNotermans-9Community Member
Yeah you probably can target it with JS and CSS. I will check it either this evening or tomorrow when i have some time to spare.