Forum Discussion
360 Review - Updating someone else's course
It doesn't seem like Articulate Review has been much improved since it first came out. The ability to publish to one central location is necessary, despite the author or paid license. Even the team license doesn't do this. The biggest complaint I have and receive about AR is the archaic navigation. Having to switch between Feedback and Review for a course with 100+ comments is crazy. My clients keep asking me if there's a better way and I have to sheepishly tell them no. The ability to remove a prior version is necessary. The ability to click on a comment and take us directly to the slide is necessary. The ability to come back to comment in Feedback view is necessary. And when we get an email notification about a comment, how about including the whole thread so it makes sense and being able to click the link in the email and take us right to the slide in AR? I've been feature requesting the heck out of all of this for years and nothing seems to improve.