Forum Discussion

LaurenAckley-6d's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

A couple questions about Feedback Masters

It's my first time working with Feedback Masters and I've encountered a couple problems. The first problem is that Storyline is inserting various text boxes and buttons on top of my Feedback Master (image 1). The placeholder text I put in also doesn't appear at first unless I manually go and re apply the layout (image 2).

The other thing I can't figure out how to do is insert buttons to my feedback that can be moved or have a trigger applied to it (I can insert buttons, but they can't be interacted with from the Slide Layers). I see that the default Feedback Masters have buttons like this, but I can't find a way to insert them myself.

  • This is awesome, David! You clarified so much. Thank you for taking the time to put this together.

  • Follow up question: Is there a way to change the placeholder text that loads for the built in Feedback text ("That's right! You selected the correct response.") and Feedback title ("Correct")? It seems to override anything else I input from the Feedback Master.  

    • JudyNollet's avatar
      Super Hero

      Hi, Lauren,

      You can edit that default text in the Text Labels section of the Player:

      FYI: The "That's right..." text is the "You are correct" message, so you'll have to scroll down to find it. 

  • Excellent, I got it all sorted but a new problem came up.

    Everything was working great... Until I tried to add another Feedback Master. When I tested it none of the feedback master's showed up in the slide layers. I deleted the additional feedback master but it's still not working.


  • That did the trick... Strange, but if it works I won't question it!

    Before I added a second feedback master I did delete some blank slides from the first set. I guess I falsely attributed the second feedback master to causing the problem when it was probably removing those blank slides.


    Thanks again!