Forum Discussion

RachelMathew-15's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Selling elearning to client with LMS

I'm brand new to e-learning and I don't know what I don't know. We have a client who uses Success Factor LMS and wants to purchase curriculum from us that they'll host themselves.

1. Can I give them content that expires after a certain period of time? (I don't think there is.)

2. I'm developing content in Articulate 360. What are the exact deliverables I would give the client for a seamless integration?

3. Are there any potential snags I might not know about? Things not rendering correctly on different devices or if they use a Success Factor app?  Reports not working correctly?

4. Will they be able to make edits or changes to the content?

Thank you in advance for any expertise you can share!

  • 1) You can achieve this using some JavaScript to add a course expiration. I've helped several designers and freelancers achieve this.

    2) a published scorm or xAPI file as a zip

    3) IDK, I'm not familiar with Success Factor

    4) Not unless you are also providing them the .story file as well. (Which, if you are, kiss your expiration goodbye)

    • RachelMathew-15's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you so much, Owen! Is this specific to Storyline or does it work in the Rise360 version as well?

      • OwenHolt's avatar
        Super Hero

        It has limited use in Rise because of the way progress through a Rise course is tracked. You can use a Storyline block in Rise with a "complete the block above" divider and it will operate and prevent a NEW user from accessing an expired course. However, any prior participants who have made it past that block will still be able to access the full course because the divider will recognize that they have made it past the Storyline block previously. 

  • 2. and 4. are very close, and important. To start with, the .story file is the actual valuable part of what you are selling. It is the original. If they have the published then zipped form, they can upload that and it will run on their LMS. The key is to agree with them before you start as to what you will give them. If they only get the zipped result, they are, (in my opinion) foolish. They can't modify anything without you (or whoever possesses the .story file.) They may bargain to pay less not to get the original, but again, that's penny wise and pound foolish.

    Part of the consideration for what is delivered is who owns the copyright. The answer to that is the answer to who gets the .story file. I, personally can't imagine creating something for someone, and not giving them everything. Especially if they commission a specific work, it would be difficult legally, and as a matter of negotiation to take the copyright from them. If they do own the copyright, not giving them the .story file is stealing their asset.

    On the other hand, If you have a set curriculum that you created and you sell the usage of it to a variety of clients, then you have the copyright. and they are paying for the right to make and use a copy. You own the copyright, and you keep the original. In that case, it should come to them at a significantly cheaper price.

    Of course, this is all my opinion, and not legal advice. If there weren't differing legal viewpoints, attorneys would be out of work. You might check with one, if you want the real legal scoop.