Forum Discussion

LisaMcNair's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Ability to "pre-load" media (audio/video content) in Articulate 360?

Hi, all.

Is there a way to essentially pre-load media so to reduce some of the buffering that occurs when videos are played back-to-back in a slide, and delays in loading content?

In the example below, you'll see an opening screen with three videos sequenced on the timeline. The first is an establishing shot, the second is a loop of the main character (Peter) looping until a text box ("tablet") is selected. The third video then plays of Peter walking to the tablet. I'm trying to find a way to minimize or hide the transitions when the subsequent videos play. I'm envisioning a loading screen at the beginning with an animated .gif indicating that the media is being loaded while the audio and video elements invisibly load in the background. 

Peter Parker's Path to Progress

I welcome any ideas.

  • JoeFrancis's avatar
    Community Member

    Some of this will already be happening in the background, per this tech note from Articulate:

    Storyline: How Course Content Is Preloaded

    Note, "slides download one at a time, not simultaneously. If a slide has lots of heavy objects or a learner’s internet connection is slow, the learner might see a brief pause in playback if Storyline hasn’t had time to preload all the assets before he or she arrives at the slide."

    Also, "assets for each slide download in this order: 1) images, 2) audio tracks, 3) videos."