Forum Discussion

Mysk's avatar
Community Member
12 days ago

Add time delay before layer is visible


Captivate user going Articulate.

I have 3 avatars that the user can click on to show information about them
The text slides in to a scrolling panel. 

When the user klicks another avatar to see the info I would like the text on the visible slide to slide out before the next layer is showed.

In Captivate I can set a "delay next action".
Is there something similar here that I can delay the "Show layer" trigger?

Thank you

  • For delaying things, you can use cue points, or you can split things up into different slide layers to only make them happen when the user goes to a slide layer.

    You can right click the timeline and choose Create Cue Point at Playhead. This is like a bookmark in Captivate. Then, you can use a trigger to pause the timeline when the timeline reaches the cue point. Then you can add a trigger to resume the timeline when something happens.

    If you are dealing with 3 buttons and you don't know where the user will click, you might want to separate things onto 3 extra slide layers, if you haven't already. Then, you can control which layer is seen with which button, and add transitions to the layers. You can divide what will be seen at different times onto different layers.

  • Mysk's avatar
    Community Member

    Thank you for your respons.
    I have separated the responses into 3 layers. I have a slide in and slide out on the respons layer. But since I cant add a delay to the "Show layer" trigger, the slide out doesnt show.

    In captivate you can add actions (triggers) to happen after each other in one bundle of actions. Doesnt seem to be the case in Articulate?

    • JudyNollet's avatar
      Super Hero

      In Storyline, you can trigger something to happen when an animation completes.

      If the "slide in and slide out" don't take too long, you could do this for each button that opens a layer: 

      • Insert a shape off the slide. (For naming, I suggest something like Timer1, Timer2, and Timer3.)
      • Add a motion path to the shape with a duration that matches how long the "slide out" takes. 
      • On the button, use a trigger that moves the corresponding Timer object on its motion path when the button is clicked. 
      • Have the "show layer" trigger run when the Time object's motion path completes. 


      The caveat for this method: There would be a delay when the user first clicks a button (that is, when no layer is showing yet). If it takes too long, that could be frustrating for the user. A workaround would be to have a trigger that shows the layer when the button is clicked with a condition so it only happens if no layer is showing yet. "No layer is showing" isn't an option for a condition, but you could use a T/F variable to track whether any of the buttons have been clicked yet. 

      • Mysk's avatar
        Community Member

        Yes I have tried this and I think that will be the solution. Its alot of extra work instead of just having a "delay next trigger by .5 sec" but we will work with what we got )

        Thank you

    • KendalRasnake-1's avatar
      Community Member


      You are right. In the old Captivate you could beautifully program multiple actions to occur (like batch file scripting) and then name it something like "Actions 1", then program a button to execute "Actions 1" when it was clicked. Anytime you needed that batch file ran, all you had to do was program one thing to execute it.

      In Captivate, "Actions 1" might have 5 things occurring, but you only had to set it up once and then just activate it to run it. In Storyline, if you have five Triggers on one slide and you want them to be duplicated on another slide you have to copy and paste, or reprogram, all 5 triggers over again. If that occurred over 5 slides that's 25 items programmed compared to Captivate's 10. It also makes it harder to debug.

      • Mysk's avatar
        Community Member

        As one who used alot of actions in captivate to develope courses I struggle to understand the setup for Articulate. But I will get there :)