Forum Discussion
AI voiceover recommendations
Hello, I'm looking to use an AI voiceover app for my courses, as I'm working remotely full time now and don't have access to great voiceover volunteers at my office any longer. Anyone have any good recommendations or reviews? I am looking at LOVO and Well Said Labs. Thank you!
- PhilipLandry-d0Community Member
Have you tried Articulate 360 ? The built in AI voiceover text to voice works excellent and allows a good deal of customization. I use it on my courses and have been very happy so far. Its built into the system too. What functions do you need it for that would require outside voiceover/narration?
- AllisonZnachko-Community Member
My SMEs don't like the text to voice in Articulate. It's too robotic sounding. I wish they did because it'd be so easy!
Thanks, AllisonAllison Znachko
Instructional Designer
- DeanMoodyCommunity Member
Hello, Allison! My name is Dean T Moody, and I am a professional Voiceover artist. I specialize in ELearning and Online Training projects. I'd love to help you out! I have demos at, including eLearning demos. Let's chat!
- RichardMulcahyCommunity Member
- AllisonZnachko-Community Member
Thank you for the info!
I've been actually trying a free trial with them, but the "conversational" functionality just isn't there- for example, I can't get my characters to ask questions the way I want them to, or ask questions, period. The WellSaid representative admitted the technology is just not there yet. But for narration, it is nice!Allison Znachko
Instructional Designer- RichardMulcahyCommunity Member
Good point as I did use it for a narration.
- JamesCox-ed79b0Community Member
I've been using Balabolka - free text-to-speech program which can use some of the MS voices, as well as third-party purchased voices. You could also check out MS Word's Narrator feature and capture it with Audacity or some other s/w.
Still a bit robotic, so if you're looking for a truly human-sounding voice these won't get you there...
- ThomasHadley-78Community Member
Try Techsmith Audiate
- BrianDajiCommunity Member
I've been using AWS POLLY on the Amazon Web Service, its not perfect but its better than the built in one. (free for up to 1 million characters a month.)
Down side is that it looses the CC option, but you can put that in as well and silence the generated audio file so you still get CC.
- DianeWestern-0dCommunity Member
Is Amazon Polly a high learning curve? (There were a number of 1 hour videos on the site; and it looked like it required scripts to be inserted for pauses.)
Also, for the interface, does it allow a grouped import and export? (Such as importing an entire module at once, then the clips are separated based on paragraphs?
Thanks for your help.
- Kelly_CockrellCommunity Member
We use well said labs. Its been very good and they make updates to help improve performance
- KatelinJordan-2Community Member
Wellsaid Labs.
- TianxuanLiuCommunity Member
We use Speechelo.
- JenniferBell901Community Member
Re- opening this comment thread because we are having issues with Rise appending AI generated files. Rise is reading the first sentence of the "script" and using that in the file title and we are ending up with titles that are over 30 characters long! Our LMS is kicking them back. How can we stop Rise from reading that content and saving the files in this way?
- ChrisCosgrove-cCommunity Member
I'm using SL360 and the only choices for text to speech are now showing as neural. When I add SSML codes I get an error saying the voice may not support the codes or the codes are wrong. I've verified my codes but wonder if I'm doing something wrong as the list of SSML codes apply to Neural voices. Anyone have insight to using the SSML codes?