Forum Discussion
Allowing Seekbar to only Rewind and Not FF
HI! I just downloaded Storyline 2 and am super excited! I'm wondering if there is a way to add the seekbar or the new Slider control to only allow for rewinding. We want our students to watch a video and be able to rewind if they didn't quite catch something, but not be able to fast forward. Any way to do this?
- EmilyBurnettCommunity Member
Hello curlyQT,
In Storyline 2, you can set the seekbar to be Read only. This will not allow users to fast forward. They can still pause the slide and hit the replay button, however this will take them back to the beginning of the slide.
here is a thread about making custom progress bars that might help.
- curlyQTJoyCommunity Member
Thank you, Emily. These aren't quite what I'm looking for but we'll create a workaround. Have a great day!
- EmilyBurnettCommunity Member
And hopefully you can find a good workaround. Others may chime in with ideas as well.
- LaceyCribbCommunity Member
Was there a solution to this? I am looking for the same, to allow a user to rewind but not fast forward past the point they have already viewed. I know you can replay the video but I don't really want to do that since some videos can be long.
Hi Lacey!
The seekbar still works as Emily described above and you are welcome to explore the custom options as well.
Perhaps someone in the community will be able to chime in and assist.
- CarolineRogers-Community Member
Hi, has this been changed yet? As I see the last post was 5 years ago! I have the Player set to 'Allow drag after completion' but some of our scenes are quite long so I'd like the user to be able to pause and then rewind if needed - and not having to wait until the whole timeline finishes until they can do this - they would have lost their place by then! Thanks
Hi Caroline,
Yes. We implemented the conditional seekbar, which is the feature you mentioned to drag after completion:
Storyline 360: How to Use the Conditional Seekbar
There is no feature to allow users to only rewind before completing the slide.