Forum Discussion

VictoriaSubl967's avatar
Community Member
2 months ago

Can you rewind text to speech media?

Is there a way to rewind text-to-speech to start over on a slide?

I have tried adding a trigger to jump to slide - this slide -  when the rewind button is clicked. Doesn't work. Also tried jumping to cue point at the beginning. Doesn't work.

Is it even possible to do?

  • Nedim's avatar
    2 months ago

    Delete this trigger


  • Nedim's avatar
    Community Member

    Make sure "When revisiting" option is set to "Reset to initial state" in the slide properties.


    • VictoriaSubl967's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks, but yes, it is set to reset but jumping back to "this slide" doesn't reset Text to Speech. It works on normal media.

  • Nedim's avatar
    Community Member

    Check out my .story file. Clicking the Rewind button is set to jump to "this slide" while simultaneously resetting the TTS. Does anything look different on your end? 

  • Sorry, this should not be marked as a solution. This new website sucks.

    Well there are a few differences. I have the audio paused when the timeline starts. Also, I'm using hotspots.

    I have attached the file of the offending page.

    • Nedim's avatar
      Community Member

      I wasn’t aware of your current settings. If the audio is set to pause when the timeline starts, how do you trigger it to play? Personally, I’d place the audio on a separate layer that plays automatically instead of pausing it on the base layer. Then, you could control its play/pause functionality simply by showing or hiding this layer using a dedicated button. In this setup, whenever you click the Rewind button (Jump to This Slide), the audio would also reset to its initial state. I've attached another simple example to demonstrate how this could look. Let me know if it aligns with what you're aiming for or if there are additional elements you'd like incorporated into the interaction.

      I'm not entirely sure how this setup will work together since you mentioned hotspots, and I’m unclear on how they fit into this interaction. Could you provide more details on how the hotspots are intended to function within this scenario? It would help in aligning the audio and layer logic with the overall interaction.

      • VictoriaSubl967's avatar
        Community Member

        Sorry, this new site won't let me upload a 12MB file! Grr I have attached screenshots instead.

        I put the sound on another layer and again, the pause and play works, but not the restart. I put jump to slide, but the sound continues where it left off.

  • For some reason, I cannot attach the offending slide. It is only 12MB but times out after 30 minutes. Sorry.

  • The trick to this is recognising that Jump To Time is not Jump To Start, even if you jump to 0 secs.

    'Start' triggered events only occur when a slide is first loaded (or refreshed with Initial State checked), so Jump To Time 0 secs won't restart your audio if the audio is triggered to play at the start of the timeline.

    Whereas, if your audio is triggered to play at 0 secs, and you add a custom button that stops the audio from playing and then Jumps To 0 secs, that should have the effect of rewinding the audio to the beginning.

    It's what I did in this demo to allow learners to replay the spoken sections. (Click the 'rewind in a speech bubble' icon). 

    • VictoriaSubl967's avatar
      Community Member

      That is the issue; when I choose jump to this slide, it doesn't restart. The audio continues on. If I go to the next or previous slide, it does restart.

      I don't understand how you are setting all of the audio play triggers.


      • Jonathan_Hill's avatar
        Super Hero

        In my demo, the TTS is set to play when the timeline reaches 0 secs and the Jump To Time is also set to 0 secs, with Play Timeline checked.

        I also have another trigger to stop the TTS at the same time as jumping back to 0 secs.

        This had the effect of resetting the TTS. But as with all things Storyline, there's more than one way to do this.

  • That said then, I should be able to "Jump to this slide" to get the audio to start over, but it just continues.

    By the way, your interview interactivity is so cute! I loved it, and happy to say I scored 100%!