5 months agoCommunity Member
Animate a dashed line in Storyline with GSAP
A Storyline user asked me how to do that. With the GSAP plugin DrawSVG that is quite easy. Showing how to get that done in this video.
The code for selecting a SVG, its path and animating it, is this.let actual_accName = "lineShape";
let svgElement1 = document.querySelector("[data-acc-text='"+actual_accName+"'] > div > div > svg > g > path");
let svg2Animate1 = document.querySelector("#";
gsap.set(svg2Animate1, {strokeDasharray:"25,25",strokeDashoffset:"0%"});, {duration:5,strokeDasharray:"25,25",strokeDashoffset:"100%"});
Video showing this.