Forum Discussion
animated bullet points?
Is there a way to animate bullet points in Storyline? I saw that you can do that in Studio, but I haven't seen a way yet to do it in Storyline. What I'd like to do is have the bullet points appear in turn as the narrator reads from the script.
- MarieAIMEE-1655Community Member
Hello, How do I get each bullet to show each time the user clicks? Mine comes with paragraph. I have the latest version.
Hello Marie,
Storyline 360 doesn't have a feature similar to PowerPoint's on click animation, but the suggestions shared in this thread recreate the effect by allowing each bullet point to enter the slide individually.
This screenshot shows how to set the animation of your bullet points so that they enter the slide one at a time:
And you'll want to make sure to adjust the timing in the timeline as well:
I've attached a demo file for your reference. Hope this helps!
- MaryAnneMalone-Community Member
This may help people having trouble seeing By Paragraph. I was, too. I deleted what I thought was a text box, chose to insert a new text box, and now I see the By Paragraph option after entering my bullets. Maybe what I had before was a shape?
Hi Mary Anne,
Welcome to the E-Learning Heroes community! ✨
I'm glad to hear that you solved the issue and are able to see the By Paragraph option. If you run into any trouble and need assistance, please let me know!