Forum Discussion

JrmyPESTY's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Appariement : glisser-déposer - faire apparaitre la correction


Je suis en train de créer un module dans lequel je souhaite réaliser des questions notées mais ne comptant pas pour l'évaluation finale (je mets tous les scores à 0).

Une de mes activités, est un "appariement : glisser-déposer" et je souhaiterais faire apparaitre la bonne réponse en cas d'erreur de l'apprenant. Pour les autres activités, je me suis créés mes propres corrections (non proposée par storyline hors quiz ?) mais là, je sèche car cette fonctionnalité est finalement assez "bloquée" (je n'arrive pas à modifier la forme de bloc)

Merci d'avance de l'aide que vous pourrez m'apporter.


  • Bonjour, Jérémy.

    Thank you for reaching out!

    How do you want to modify the matching drop-down review? Currently, this is what the learner sees when they're reviewing the question:

    It shows the answers the learner gave and the correct ones (matching numbers). If you need something different, you can add a layer called Review to your question slide, where you can include the explanation for the incorrect answers. That layer will automatically show up when in Review mode

    Let me know if you have additional questions!

  • JrmyPESTY's avatar
    Community Member

    Hello Maria and thank you for your answer.

    In fact, the matching drop-down question is not a part of a quiz, so there is no "review mode" because i do not use a "results slide" (maybe i'm wrong ?!)

    In my training, i asked several question during the course in order to test the knowledge of my trainee. I work with graded question setted to 0 point. I use the layers "correct" and "incorrect" to include the explanation.

    For several kind of graded question, it is easy to do it myself but for the matching drop-down, i did not have a good solution. With your example, i am going to use matching number to correct this kind of question.

    My question was kind of general : is there a solution to show a review of a question when you you do not use a "results" slide ? (other than do it myself ^^) 

    Thank you for your help, i hope my english is good enough to be clear in my explanation.



  • Bonjour, Jérémy.

    Thank you for the additional information!

    If you are not using a Results slide, you will need to create the review function manually, which sounds like you're already doing. 

    Another suggestion I have for you, specifically for the matching drop-down question, if you don't want to use numbers, is to take a screenshot of the correct match and use it for the review. See below:

    I hope this helps!

    • JrmyPESTY's avatar
      Community Member

      Such a better idea !
      Actually, the number was not possible because it would be impossible to know the trainee's answer in advance.

      Many thanks !