Forum Discussion

TessaRandall-57's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Are e-learning challenges old news?

I read through Call Center Support Training Scenarios in E-Learning #47 and nearly every link was broken. No great examples. It appears outdated. Am I missing something or should this page be retired or updated? 

~Still looking for inspiration. 

  • Hello Tessa,

    The challenges happen every week, so they get dated after a while. I think that particular challenge was from 2014. Unfortunately, people move their links or they're in Flash or something else and there's not much control we have over them. 

    We can't go back and monitor every link people share in the community (especially with the challenge where there's almost 10,000 entries) but we do try to redo some of the challenges so the examples people share are more current. 

    Is there a particular topic that interests you? David has a pretty good handle one what's in the various challenges and can probably direct you more current submissions.

  • Thanks for verifying and the quick response. I'll stick to the current challenges for insights.