Forum Discussion
Articulate iPAD App + Storyline = Freezing?
Anyone else experiencing this? I have the latest version of the app and of storyline installed. When I published for the iPad and then go to view my course there, everything work fine for a while. Then, the app (or course?) will get to a slide and all of a sudden nothing works. The animations on screen seem to still be working, but the whole app freezes up. I can't go back to the library, none of the on screen buttons work, I can't even reset the app without going back and clicking the original link to launch the course again.
I've had this happen twice now and it seems to get stuck on the same slide every time so it's not random. When I republished the first sticking place started working and a new one appeared. The slides the app freezes up on had nothing unusual going on, no variables, no state changes, just a button to click on screen to go to the next slide.
Anyone got any hints or experienced the same thing? I don't think I can advertise my eLearning as ipad compatible until I figure out the problem.
- ChristineHendriFormer Staff
Hi there Graham,
Simple thought, I know, but have you tried turning off the iPad and turning it back on? I had that problem when I was testing a course a few weeks ago and finally just shut it off. Came back later to give it another try and never had the issue again.
Are you able to share a link for the published course, so I can take a look on my iPad? You're welcome to post it here, or send it to me in a private message.
- GrahamFoxCommunity Member
I wish that worked
Sent you a PM.
- JenniferStGeorgCommunity Member
I've had some difficulties as well with freezing on an iPad. I was launching from our internal LMS and I could get to the 2nd to the last screen in the course and it would freeze and nothing would work. The course works flawlessly on my desktop but can't get it to complete on a new (i.e. basically generic) iPad. Also, I found when I returned to the course, it didn't ask if I wanted to return (even though the bookmark option was checked) and kept going to the 3rd screen rather than where I left off.
Anyone else experiencing this?
- GrahamFoxCommunity Member
Jennifer, I found that every republish would re-set where it freezes at (or not make it freeze at all). For me with a giant course, I had to split it into smaller courses that I can test well. If it does freeze you basically have to turn off and on the iPad to get it unstuck.
Try a republish or two and see if you can get one that doesn't freeze.
- JenniferStGeorgCommunity Member
So is it just freezing on my one iPad but other iPad's it's fine?
The course is about 33 slides for the learner to complete but 65 slides in all (dual language) and I have 14 courses (so you can imagine the issue has multiplied itself by 14).
Not sure how to test so that I can be certain the course will 'run every single time' without fail on any iPad or laptop/desktop. Advice?
- GrahamFoxCommunity Member
No, the freeze changed places or disappeared per publish and was consistent across all iPads.
You've got me on how to effectively test it. Probably have to submit a support case. I did but didn't follow through well enough so haven't got a resolution yet. Let me know if you are able to.
- LarsLouringCommunity Member
Any solutions on this? I have added a video to my story by using the "record screen" option and now my course is freezing when played on Ipad.
- ChristineHendriFormer Staff
Hi there Lars,
First, can you tell me what version of Storyline you're using, please? To find this information, click on "Help" and "About Articulate Storyline".
If you're not running version 3 (1305.2012), please download and install the update using the link below:
Articulate - Storyline Update 3
Once you've finished installing the update, please republish and test your course on the iPad. If the problem continues after installing the update, or if you already have Update 3 installed, please let me know.
Thanks very much!
- MarianeTremblayCommunity Member
Was this resolved? I am using articulate storyline 6 and all of my modules that I built freezes at soome point when testing them on ipad....
Hi Mariane,
There have been a number of fixes since this post - the most recent being in Update 6, which it sounds like you're using. What iOS and iPad version are you using? Are you playing them in the mobile player or the html5 version in Mobile Safari?