Forum Discussion

JamesPerry's avatar
Community Member
6 years ago

Articulate Review: "Your computer seems to be offline."

Hello! A colleague of mine is attempting to review a course built with Storyline. Unfortunately, when she adds comments, she keeps getting messages stating "Your computer seems to be offline. We'll automatically try to reconnect when an Internet connection is detected." However, she states that she is not offline. As such, she's unable to add her comments. I have successfully accessed the same link she's using and was able to add comments. Have others encountered this problem, and what can be done to overcome it? Might it be something on our end, like an issue with her computer, or something to do with our corporate firewall? Thanks!

  • Thanks Joe, I will be in the  office soon, so will see if it is an issue there.

  • Hi Rosemary,

    Welcome to E-Learning Heroes! I understand you are seeing a "Your computer seems to be offline" message after leaving the Review 360 website. I would be happy to work with you to figure out why this is happening! I have a follow-up question regarding your experience so I can understand what you are experiencing a little better.

    Thanks for reaching out!

  • Hi Teresa!

    Thanks for sharing the feedback! Sorry to hear that connectivity issues have been so persistent for you.

    Not to worry! I've opened a support case on your behalf to get you in touch with our support team. They have a wealth of knowledge, troubleshooting skills, and should be in touch shortly!

  • RosemaryStone's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi, like Teresa, I'm using the latest version of Chrome and the course is saved on a local drive. It happens with all the courses I'm reviewing. I am not offline when I see the message as everything else on my PC is working. It just won't reconnect without refreshing and then I am back at the beginning of the course.

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi Rosemary!

      Sorry to hear that you're also experiencing this roadblock. Thanks for sharing your feedback!

      I've opened a support case on your behalf, so our support engineers can work one-on-one with you to troubleshoot the root cause of the issue.  They should be in touch shortly!

  • I'm running the latest version of Edge, Chrome, and Firefox on Win11 on a home network. My internet connection is very strong, but I consistently have Review360 telling me I'm offline on all three browsers. It has been an ongoing nuisance over the years, and the severity of the issue seems to ebb and flow for me, but it's never prevented me from doing my work. It just leads to refreshing the page every so often, which means I'm kicked back to the top of the page and have to scroll down.
    However, I'm working on a big client project this week, and Review insists that I'm offline, preventing me from leaving comments or replying to existing comments. Refreshing the page, restarting the browser, and even restarting the computer won't fix it. This version was published by someone else on the team; we have done it this way successfully on many occasions without getting this connectivity issue, but it is giving me a lot of trouble this time. We're not doing anything differently this time than we've done before.


    UPDATE, an hour or two later:

    And just like that, for the first time in about a week, Review suddenly shows me as being connected to the internet, and thus able to comment. Although my issue is temporarily resolved (yay!), I'm not sure the problem is gone; this is something that has been recurring (at varying degrees) for quite some time.


    UPDATE, an hour or two later again:

    It says I'm offline again, and can no longer comment.

  • @Robbie, same for me been happening for years and I have the fastest Bell Fibe they have to offer, and no other sites do it.  I have whitelisted every articulate site.  I sadly just refresh when this happens and usually it fixes itself.

  • Hi Robbie,

    Thanks for letting us know about this! I understand you are getting a message that you are offline when viewing Review 360 links. I'd be happy to work with you to figure out what's going on! I have a few follow-up questions regarding the situation so I can understand what you are experiencing a little better.

    • Can you ask your network administrator to open port 443 and add the Articulate domains to your organization's allowlist for your Articulate 360 apps to work properly?
    • Are you connected to a VPN? If so, disconnect and see if you are able to access the links after.
    • Could you also test on a different browser? If it works on a different browser, the issue might be with a browser extension or plug-in.

    I hope this helps out and I look forward to your response!

    • RobbieChristian's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi John, thanks for your reply!

      I have worked from home on my home network for over two years, and the issue has come and gone sporadically. I should note that I observed the issue even when I used to go into the office on a different computer and network. It often works flawlessly, occasionally is a nuisance, and in this latest case last week, it prevented me from being able to leave comments altogether. I am not on a VPN, and while I've never heard of port 443, I will learn what it is and make sure Articulate is added to my home network's allowlist. You mention the Articulate 360 apps here, but to clarify, Rise is what occasionally gives me this issue - the apps seem to work fine.

      I work primarily in Edge, but whenever a refresh doesn't resolve an issue, I try Chrome and Firefox. Every time it happens, it happens equally across all three. When it still isn't resolved, I do a system restart. Is there a different browser I should try?

      Because of the unpredictability of the issue, it's tough to replicate and troubleshoot.


    Hi Teresa,

    I'm sorry this continues to be an issue for you! I understand you are getting a message that you are offline when viewing Review 360 links. I read that you have added our domains to your allowlist. Have you tried any of the other possible solutions I mentioned in my previous post? 

    Thanks for reaching out!

  • Hi Robbie,

    Thanks for the detailed response! I have opened a support case on your behalf. You may have seen the support email that was sent. Our support engineers will be in contact soon to help you through this issue.

    Regarding your browser question, I don't think you need to investigate other, lesser-used browsers. It seems like you did your due diligence with the main three brands.