Forum Discussion

DanaBees-74a8e2's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Articulate Storyline crashing on ONE course only when I try to publish

The course was publishing and allowing preview as I was working and then suddenly stopped allowing it.  I made sure the software was updated.  It was just installed on my system one week ago and I had no problems until the middle of working yesterday.  I've rebooted.  I've saved to my local drive. I've tried other Storyline courses to see if I have the same problem with others.  The other courses publish.  It is just this one course that I am having trouble with.  If I were to completely start over by creating a new file and then importing slides from the old storyline file to a brand new one, are there instructions on how to do that?  I am grateful for any help.

  • Images, videos, pdfs...

    Eventually, I need to add even more videos and an emulator so the learner can practice a system on a control console for a piece of equipment.

  • First thing I would do is go through and change the file names of all of your assets; SL won't handle long file names very well and gets super glitchy when you don't change them. Just give them all one-two word titles (VideoOne.mp4 etc). Same for images and PDFs. That might not be it but I think you'll want to rule that out first if you haven't already.

  • Yes, there is nothing named crazy.  I will do that.  Could a hyperlink in a trigger cause something?


    • MicahWeedman-6a's avatar
      Community Member

      Well, I've never had that happen--but given SL's quirks that could be a real thing. I'd make a dupe without the link and a dupe with a different link and see if you can duplicate the crash problem.

    • MicahWeedman-6a's avatar
      Community Member

      Another thing is how many video files/how large the video files are. If you've got a ton of videos in the course that's gonna always be problematic. Try making a dupe with just video placeholders instead of the actual videos and see if that helps. Then load the videos right before you're ready to publish. Just spitballing here but I've had courses that struggled because of all the video files the .story file was trying to carry around everywhere.

    • EricSantos's avatar

      Hi Dana,

      I'm glad that Micah was able to help you out here. I'm happy to chime in with a few insights as well!

      A crash during publishing usually points to possible corrupt elements in the Storyline project. You are correct that importing the slides to a new course may fix the corruption. Here are the steps for that:

      If the problem persists, we'd love to look at the Storyline file to see what might be causing it! Would you mind attaching the file to this discussion using the Add Attachment button? If you prefer to share it privately, you can share the project in a support case. Either way, we'll take a look and share what we find!