Forum Discussion

DanielCarroll-4's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Storyline is crashing every time I attempt to preview a slide

Anyone else seeing this happen? I've also had issues publishing to Review. Is this an issue just with my program or a known issue?

  • Hi Daniel, and thanks for reaching out!

    I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing this issue, but I'm happy to help troubleshoot. I have a few clarifying questions to start.

    Please let me know if this helps!

  • Its multiple files and is still happening after I uninstalled and reinstalled the program

  • Hi Daniel,

    Thanks for confirming that re-installing didn't solve the issue. I understand this can be very frustrating, and I've opened a support case on your behalf so we can investigate what's going on. You'll be hearing from one of our Support Engineers soon via email!

  • I reinstalled again and its probably working 50% of the time. I am occasionally able to publish to review, sometimes it tells me I dont have an internet connection which isnt true, then sometimes it just crashes