Forum Discussion
8 years agoPartner
Articulate Storyline: Import from Google Drive
On the Articulate user days in Utrecht (2015), we held a session about exporting Articulate Storyline variables to Google Drive (Spreadsheet). This export is achieved vi...
8 years agoPartner
Hi Brett,
Do you use a public spreadsheet? Could you try to open the JSON result? I can open the JSON result of my example with the link below:
If you want to test your spreadsheet, then you will need the change the ID of the spreedsheet. You will get the following link: + ID Spreadsheet + /od6/public/values?alt=json
Could you test this link? If this link is empty, then you can't import data into Storyline.
8 years agoCommunity Member
Hi Basti,
I managed to make it work, values got displayed when I published the sheet. Thanks a lot.
Hi Brett,
Try to publish the google sheet and will it work :-)
Thanks all for sharing :-)