Forum Discussion

EricHartmann's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Audio Import, Export, and Compression

I am trying to understand how Storyline currently handles audio.

In the past, our process was to record wavs outside of SL (so we could edit with no degredation), import into SL (which would keep the files as wavs), and publish with the standard settings (which I am assuming encoded as mp3), and it sounded acceptable.

As of a few months ago, we started noticing that the audio sounded lower in quality, especially on male voices. We then noticed that SL was converting the wav files as MP3s upon import. I am assuming this happened October 29, 2019 (Build 3.33.20625.0), but don't know for sure.

I know we can use mp3 files and turn off the compression to control the quality of the sounds, but this will cause us have to re-encode the wavs as mp3s and then store 2 versions of the files (a wav in case we need to edit, and the corresponding mp3). And then we'll need to turn off the compression on each slide that has audio. This, of course, will add extra steps / time to our process.

Is there a way around this? Is there a way to still use wav files and change the encoding / compression of the wavs so they sound better? Upon import or upon publish? Or something else we can do to keep the process streamlined? It's fine if not, but if there is something else that can be done I'd love to hear it.

Thanks all!


  • EricHartmann's avatar
    Community Member

    OK, so learning. It turns out that the older builds of SL DIDN'T import wavs, they converted to MP3s just like now, but brought in the WAV naming convention on the timeline. So the change that happened in October is a visual change only, renaming to MP3 to match the conversion. I also learned that audio files recorded inside SL are MP3 files at 192 kbps. I can't yet find what WAV files are imported as, but I am guessing it's the same. Can anyone verify this?

  • Is there any way to turn off compression on .wav files? When I import them, the option to turn off compression is not available in the audio tools, even though they've been converted to mp3.

    • LaurenConnelly's avatar

      Hello Carol!

      Only MP3 files can be uncompressed in Storyline. The compression setting is grayed out for all other audio formats in Storyline. If you’d prefer not to compress audio in your course, but the compression setting is unavailable, convert your audio to MP3, then import it back into your project.

  • What is confusing to me is that the playback sound quality in the Storyline 360 editor is affected after publishing the course. I would have thought any degradation due to compression occured at publishing rather than importing the sound file into the source/original. 

    • LaurenConnelly's avatar

      Hi Loren!

      Thank you for reaching out! Since this is a somewhat dated discussion, it would be helpful to start with initial questions about your course.

      Are you finding that every audio file that you have in the course is impacted after publishing? Additionally, does this happen with every course that you're working on, or is it specific to one?