Forum Discussion

VenkatSubram885's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Auto complete text entry

text entry fields are getting auto filled in chrome browser, don't want the user to auto fill when the revisit the course, is there any way to restrict....

  • Hi Venkat!

    Would you mind sharing a screen recording of what you're seeing in Chrome? I tested your course and unfortunately, I didn't see the same outcome.

  • Hi Venkat,

    Thanks for sharing that video! It looks like the autofill is based on the browser settings and cannot be changed from within the Storyline file.

    I noticed you launched the file from your local drive, but have you tried hosting the course to test for any differences? If you're in a scenario where multiple users are using the same computer, an LMS environment may be more helpful or having them open an incognito window may help as well.

  • Matthew, great fix. Thanks for the information. It looks like our company will need to put this in all our presentations. 

  • I do not see any comments by someone named Matthew but it sounds like the suggestion worked. Could anyone pass along the information? I am using an LMS and having the same issue with saved data appearing from when I tested in Storyline.

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi MaryElizabeth,

      Matthew's profile appears to have been deleted, but you may still find a copy of his response in this similar ELH thread. The issue appears to be Javascript related, so I'll let others chime in in case they have a code that does something similar!