Forum Discussion

CherylTaylor-25's avatar
Community Member
23 days ago

Automatic Sharing Across Team

Hi there,

I would like to learn more about how we can set up automatic sharing of content across our team without having to use the share feature - which requires the to remember to complete this action every time they create a course.

An ideal state would be to share automatically - every course - by folder or set up by user (one time step). Does anyone know if this is possible please?

I couldn't find the appropriate resources in the help center - only about general sharing of courses.

Thank you! Cheryl

  • Hi Cheryl,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    A course created in Rise 360 is "private" by default and only becomes accessible by your teammates when you decide to share it. There isn't a way to automatically share a course, you'll need to move them into Team Folders to give your teammates access. You can check out this article to learn how to get started with sharing content in Rise 360 with your team: 

    Hope this helps!