Forum Discussion

RobertCourtneyS's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Beginner needs help!

I am retiring in the near future after fifty-seven years of service as an airline pilot, an air carrier director of training, an aircraft accident investigator, and an FAA designated pilot examiner. My retirement plan is to consult regarding aviation training and certification, and to offer, to both individuals and companies, aviation technical training that complies with FAA guidelines and requirements.

I am competent with PowerPoint but I am a beginner with LMS style course creation: We had in-house people for that. I'm having difficulty getting started with Storyline 360. There is a lot of good material out there, but it's just not clicking for me, and templates aren't helping either.

I need some sort of reference that lists the things Storyline can do and then provides straight forward, step-by-step instructions to achieve the desired outcome. An outline or flowchart of Storyline's functions and sub-functions, and how they relate and interact would be wonderful as well.

Can anyone suggest something?


Michael Courtney