Forum Discussion

StevenAbbott-b6's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Best ways of recording processes from an iPad

Hi, With the use of iPads becoming more and more prominent in the work place the need for training of business apps on them is of high priority. Therefore, is there a way of recording a process that is being actioned within an app on an iPad so that it can than be added into a Storyline module? Am I missing a trick and have Articulate created a way this can be done? If not what would you recommend as the best way to do this?  

  • MichaelHinze's avatar
    Community Member

    There are tools available that mirror an iPad's screen to a laptop, which you can then record with Storyline. Reflector is one of those tools.

    • StevenAbbott-b6's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks for this advise Michael. Do you know if this will then let you convert the recording into View, Try and Test modes?  

      • MichaelHinze's avatar
        Community Member

        Tools like Reflector simply mirror an iPad's screen to your laptop/desktop, all you do is record that window/screen area with Storyline. And since you recorded it with Storyline, you do have the option to reuse the original recording as View, Try, Test. Here is an example of a mobile device screen being mirrored to a desktop and recorded in Storyline: Never mind that I used a different screen mirror tool and that is is an Android illustrates the concept.