Forum Discussion

KarenAlvesto664's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

Better Publish to Word Results

Hello all. My program relies heavily on the Publish to Word feature. Our customer insists on reviewing our courses as paper storyboards, so we give them what they want using this feature. (We have tried to convince them to consider Review 360 after numerous demos, but they are just not there yet.)

My question is this: Can we streamline the clean up process that is always required in the default output document that Storyline publishes?

Some issues we have to clean up include titles are varying sizes, random use of italics, different fonts for style Normal, sometimes irregular spacing, and so on. I recognize that we need to be very careful and consistent when entering text in fields and in notes, as that does affect the output. But some Word styles are just odd and inconsistent, like Heading 2 being larger font size than Heading 1, and so on.

Any advice? Thank you!

  • I suggest you set up a Word document with a 2-column table. Copy  the screen images from the published-to-Word file, and paste them into the lefthand column, one image per row. Use the righthand column to collect feedback. 

    As needed, add notes, for example, to explain interactions. 

    I used to do this for one of my clients before Review 360 was available, and it worked really well to collect feedback.