Forum Discussion
Blank screen after update
For those who use Moodle LMS, the workaround is to access the database through a database client (for example mySQL Workbench if you use mySQL database) and run the following SQL command:
delete from mdl_scorm_scoes_track where scoid=XXXX and element='cmi.core.lesson_location'
Replace XXXX with scoid of the Rise content. You can find it in URL when you open the lesson even if it's stuck on the blank screen. Use this very carefully, on your own risk, because if you mess up the query, you could loose or damage some data in the database.
This method should not delte the learners progress. It should delete only the location - th point where the user left the content. So it will appear as if he starts from the beggining, but the round circles indicating progress of each lessons should remained filled indicating those lessons are marked as finished.
I suggest you try this first on some sample content. It worked for me very well on several different Rise 360 courses in different Moodle versions.
Thanks very much for your suggestion - we are going to look into that. Another thought we had and am going to try see if it's possible to modify the function SCORM_GetBookmark() in the scormdriver.js file (/scormdriver folder) of the Rise publish to see if we can cause Rise to always start from the opening page even if a bookmark has been set. We'll keep you posted if we find a fix.