Forum Discussion
Can a user restart a Rise course?
Hi all,
Just wondering if there is a way to enable users to restart a course that was built in Rise 360 (similar to the prompt in Storyline to Resume or Restart a course).
Many thanks
- KevinFox-b9df4fCommunity Member
I would also like too add my vote the this feature request. We are looking to add training to our additional training section of our Web portal where courses are designed to be used initially as a new skill but also will be available 24/7 as a refresher training, without the user being able to reset the training it will not effectively act as a refresher especially if the course have a limit to assessment attempts as it won't allow them to sit the assessment again once the have used all their attempts.
- ChristineJon717Community Member
I would also like to vote for a way to reset user accounts
- AdamHaner-4e08fCommunity Member
We would prefer not having the reset function run through the LMS. This drives up call volume and takes a large amount of time away from our LMS administrators.
A reset button would be the ideal solution. This is a deal-breaker issue for us with this tool.
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
If you are running your courses in a LMS, then the Resume or Restart settings can only be handled through the LMS.
Hi Nikisha! We keep track of every feature request from the community, so thanks for sharing what you'd like to see in Rise 360!
- ShelleyFerrell-Community Member
Having the ability to choose in the publishing settings of Rise, the same way you can in Storyline, whether learners can resume where they left off or not would be really helpful.
Since courses automatically resume this means we can't use it to create mandatory recurring training for our LMS. Just adding my voice to support the request for this feature.
- NikishaWatson-7Community Member
Hi, Is there a way to upvote this feature request?
Hi Roxanne!
Can you tell us more about how you've shared the Rise 360 course with learners? Is it hosted in a learning management system (LMS)?
- RoxanneBotmanCommunity Member
We are experiencing the same issues and this was logged a year ago and I saw a similar posted 2 years ago. This is quite an important aspect. It doesn't seem necessary to use Storyline for Compliance courses. Please could this feature be added as soon as possible.
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
Hi Roxanne,
For a Rise course to resume where a student left off, Rise needs to be used in conjunction with a LMS, where each student has an account and their personal data is saved to that account.
Thanks for your input, Holly!
I also wanted to mention that Cornerstone may have a way for you to reset a learner's progress. Other Cornerstone users in the community should be able to point you in the right direction!
- HollyWebbCommunity Member
I would also like to see this. Please add my request!
Right now my issue is that when this Rise course is assigned in Cornerstone. Many users who completed the training last year (it is an annual compliance training and needs to be completed yearly) are opening the course in an "In Progress" state and are unable to get to a "Completed" state to have the training clear from their transcript.
- SashaLandCommunity Member
Is there an eta for this feature being added? This is something I really need and it could be a deal breaker for continuing to use Rise 360 if we do not have the ability to resume or RESTART a course.
Hi there, Sasha. Rise 360 courses will resume on the last lesson viewed before leaving when the course is hosted in a learning management system. We're tracking requests for this feature, but we don't have a timeline for adding it at this time.