Forum Discussion
Can the translation feature (export xliff/import translated file) be used to find/replace?
I exported the XLIFF file with HTML, opened in Notepad and did a find/replace. Resaved under a new name. My test file indicated it was imported successfully, but the words didn't change. I read that a translation program might need to be used. I think there should be a way to "translate" the file without actually changing the language. Would this be possible? We're going through a large renaming and rebranding initiative.
If this XLIFF translation method is not going to work, is there another way in Rise to export and reimport an html file?
Hi Shelley,
This find-and-replace feature has been requested with our engineering team. We don't have an update yet, but I'll update this post as soon as we hear more from our team about this feature.
Some of our clients export an XLIFF and translate using the same language to replace some of the words. And yes, you will need a translation program to do the translation. A translated file will add a few more tags (e.g., <target> tags that correspond with the <source> tags). This will let Rise know what to find and replace the text with.
This is why your import works but none of the words are being replaced.
There are a few online translation programs that you can use if you don't have one still. This is not a recommendation, but a program we use is SmartCat, which is free to use. We can also wait for the rest of the community with their own recommended translation programs.