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JudithReymon104's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

Can users get only questions relevant to items that have been dragged?

Hello everyone!

I'm working on a project that uses a drag and drop interaction to bedeck a figure in the British Crown Jewels.  When the user hovers over an item, information is presented.  There are questions for each item.

What I'd like to do is present the user with only the questions that are associated with the items s/he has dragged.  Is this possible?  

I have worked through identifying questions that belong to the dragged objects, but have no idea how to gather them together as a quiz.

Any ideas would be appreciated!


  • I reworked a few things in your file to evaluate which drag items were true and to cycle through the four question slides based on which items were dropped. I didn't add the randomization because I wanted to see if this was close to what you intended. Let me know what you think, and I'll happily add more ideas.

    • JudithReymon104's avatar
      Community Member

      Ok, now I'm stumped again.  I did figure out that I needed to attend to the Continue button in the Correct or move along feedback, but I'm not sure what to do so that the next question that shows up is one that has been dragged.

      Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • Hi Judith, This sounds like a fun challenge! I have a couple of questions for you as I consider how something like this could be created. 

    When do you want the questions to be displayed? Do you want the item's specific questions to display immediately after someone dragged it to its location, or do you want to build a quiz that only uses questions about the items someone chose to drag? 

  • Hi Ginger.

    I'm thinking users would see the questions in a quiz after they have dragged the few items. 

    This is making me think that perhaps users could  drag up to 5, then get up to 5 questions, but they could go back and drag some more.  

    There are 18 items in all, but I'm working on getting that number whittled down.  But, if there was a way of working in iterations???

    I'd love to see your thoughts, Ginger.


  • This file sorta gets to what I'd like to do.  There are 5 objects that can be dragged.  Each object has one question associated with it.  I'd like a quiz that is made up only of those questions that have been dragged.  Random order would be great!

    Thanks, Ginger, for your help.

  • Hi Judith, Sorry for the delay in getting back to you! The Continue button on the Correct layer takes you to the next slide no matter what. So somewhere, you have to add a condition on the trigger that doesn't let that slide be visited if the appropriate variable is set to false. After the first one, I added that to a trigger at the start of each question slide. That works, but I'm noticing that there's a flash as you jump around slides. I'm puzzled about how to solve that, and if I find a good solution, I'll share that with you. 

    It's not related to that, but if you only have one question for crowns, swords, and armills, as you do now, you could simplify things by having one variable for each category. I set up my example like that. I removed some triggers and variables that weren't being used just to help me see what was going on, so I just wanted to tell you in case you had those there for a reason. 

    Let me know if you have any questions. 

    • JudithReymon104's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks so much, Ginger.

      I'm having a crisis with this program - can it even be done?

      There are 18 items, and we have no control over what items a user drags.

      Questions are to be asked after students drag items

      Personally, I object to asking them questions about items they have not dragged,  This is why I am being so persnickety.

      I also don't want a user stuck with possibly 18 questions, so would like to present only up to 5 out of all dragged items.

      Ginger, can this be done?

  • Hi Judith, One solution could be to require the users to drag at least five items over before they can continue in the course. 

    I've mocked that up in this example. I added a number variable to track this, and once five items have been moved over, the submit button is enabled. Then they would be presented with only five questions if they submit after the button is enabled.

    If you want to prevent them from submitting over five, I can test that. There might be other solutions too, I'll think on it.