Forum Discussion

PhoebeLu-de754b's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Can we insert PDF in the Scrolling Panel in Storyline or other suggestions?


I don't think the scrolling panel allow us to embed a long PDF doc, but never hurt to ask for some brainstorming. :-)

We have a long PDF doc (about 20 pages) to be hyperlinked in SL and it is mandatory to open it as a condition to move on to the next page. If users use CHROME as default browser, after they click on the hyperlink (I used a screenshot as a hyperlink trigger), they were guided to the PDF doc in the tab to read, but they thought they were kicked out of the course and no clue how to go back to the course. Actually, the original course window is still there (on the bottom small tab bar)but they don't realize it. They keep asking us what happened. Although we suggest them to use IE as the browser to navigate this course (In IE, just a smaller window poped up before the course window and it is easier to recognize that is just a new window), some of them still missed that. 

I may change some design for the ease of use though! Is there an easier and no confusing way that we force them to read/open the PDF first, and they also know to get back to the course in CHROME (One option, I may give them some instruction in word before clicking the link)? I am looking forward to some other way if I can change the design part.

Thank you very much! 


  • ID4WiscState's avatar
    Community Member

    I believe the scroll bars work on photos, so you could export the PDF pages as jpgs. At that point, however, I wonder if you aren't going to get more bang-for-your-buck by just copying the text in the pdf and pasting it into your project.

  • ID4WiscState's avatar
    Community Member

    Also - I haven't messed with this, but - if the pdf is hosted on a website, can you call it up as an inserted web-object?

  • Thank you Pierre for the suggestion. 

    Since the doc has 17 pages, I have tried to export it to image, but ended up with 17 individual images. If there are only two images, it is easy to embed them into the scrolling panel, but with 17 pages, I am not sure if it is possible to make them all included in one scrolling panel. Sigh! 

    With IE, everything is fine and easy to recognize the window popped up before the course window. Now, with CHROME, it is very hidden. Especially, there are guys in my organization who are not tech-savvy, they were very confused with the hyperlinked doc opened up on CHROME. 

  • you can use the scrolling window and point to a relative url/link (to PDF) within the zipped published content.