24 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Greg and Cynthia, thanks for joining the conversation!

Greg--you mentioned that you found embedding a PDF in Storyline isn't working correctly for you. Could you tell me more about what's going on? What version of Storyline are you using?

Cynthia--are you also having trouble embedding a PDF in Storyline? What version of Storyline are you using?

Greg Nelson

Hi Ashley/Alyssa, thanks for the follow up here. I wanted to embed a PDF through the player resources tab using a variable and a scroll bar. I found I could do this with the download -  pdfviewer.

I have attached the zip - SL template which makes the process easy. I'm not sure if there is an easier way. I would appreciate knowing if there is. btw I'm using Storyline 360,

kind regards Greg

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Greg,

Thanks for sharing. When using the resources tab you'll only be able to link to items, not embed them in the tab itself - I know some users have embedded a PDF onto the slide itself using either a web object or the image inside a scrolling panel.

I'll let the community weigh in on any other easier ways to accomplish this! 


Thank you all for your comments!

Phil and Michael, the issue converting it to an image is that creates several pages for a long PDF, and also looses quality when the image is enlarged….

Michael, I cannot also see your links, could you please repost them? are these examples with several pages PDFs?

The issue also is that ARTICULATE does not allow me to embed in the same page, and I can only do it in a new page, which confuses the learner as they cannot go easily go back to the course….I think this feature should be reviewed in Articulate.

Any other suggestions would be more than welcome!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Valeria, 

We're always happy to champion a new or updated feature to our Product team - can you shed a bit more light on what you'd like to do? Welcome to share those details here or by logging a feature request.

Also, I'm not sure if Phil and/or Michael are still subscribed to this discussion but you can always check a community members profile to see if they have the Contact me enabled as a way to reach them directly! 


Hi Ashley,

thanks for your message. I´m still not able to insert a PDF. The issue is, I´m setting up a new LMS, that comes with Articulate. I need to upload almost 200 different PDFs (our internal policies), in Articulate.

The PDFs should be displayed in the same window and not in a different window, nor in Resources. We should ensure the person goes through the entire PDF. 
I have tried some unsuccessful options in Storyline and Rise as well:
Regarding Storyline:
• I have tried as a Trigger / Jump to URL (an internal Sharepoint), but the following message appears: Method “Title” not supported by automation object. Nevertheless I click ok, and I can review the PDF, but outside Articulate, and cannot return back to Articulate.
• I have tried to create a scrolling panel, and then inserting a WebObject, but the following error message appears: “This content cannot be displayed in a frame”.
• I have tried to insert a WebObject and again the error message appears saying: “This content cannot be displayed in a frame”.
• I have tried exporting the PDF into JPG to be inserted into a scrolling panel, but the PDF is split in several JPGs….
Regarding Rise:
• I have tried adding the hyperlink to the specific document in Sharepoint, but the Rise is redirecting to “Microsoft Online / Sign to your account”, and when you click there, does not direct you to the specific PDF, but to the general SharePoint page.
• I have tried again inserting as a process, but I will need to upload each page of the JPG, which will be very time consuming.
What would you suggest?
Thank you,

Katie Riggio

Hi, Alexandra. Happy to explore a few approaches to insert content to a scrolling panel with you!

  1. One is to save the .PDF as a .PNG or .JPG. Then, add that file type to the slide and use these steps to add it to your scrolling panel.
  2. Another is to host the .PDF on a web server, if it's not already on the web. Then, use these steps to add the URL to the .PDF to a web object. 

Let me know if any of those approaches could work, and if there's anything I can answer!


Thank you for your ideas!!

Regarding :

1. Step 1: In fact, changing the PDFs into JPGs does not work as they consist in several pages, and several documents, therefore is very time consuming….
2. Step 2: It is not possible, as these are Company documents, therefore, they are posted within our intranet (Sharepoint), and the issue is that I can add a link to them, but no to display them within a frame….
Thank you anyways for your ideas!

Ren Gomez

Hi Valeria, 

Katie was offering ideas to Alexandra in this discussion. I see you're still working with my teammate, Eric, and encourage you to keep at with him to find a tailored solution!

By the way, it looks like you may have replied by email where your contact information came through. This Peek video will show you how to edit it out if you’d like!

Shawn  Petty

The problem for me with converting the pdf to an image is that all the hyperlinks within the pdf are then not active.  If I copy/paste from Word into a text box, then put that into the scroll panel, I lose all the formatting.  It would be great if we could insert a pdf document, that keeps the formatting (e.g., embedded fonts/colors) and active links.  We have about 50 3-5 page documents and trying to re-format every page of every document is very daunting.  Setting it up as a web object is also problematic because our contract for this project is limited (US Dept. of Ed) and if we have to turn resources over to a new management group, all the links would then be disconnected when it shifted to a new server.  Everything needs to be self-contained whenever possible.  Just problematic.

Esther Eccleston

Adding my 2 cents to this discussion - it would be very helpful to be able to insert a PDF directly into a scrolling window, for the same reasons already shared in previous posts. While saving as an image can work in some occasions, there are many in which it does not. Would love to see this updated in a future enhancement. Thanks!

Heather May

I agree that it would be helpful to have the option to add a PDF in a scrolling window.  I've spent the better part of the afternoon trying different work-arounds for something that seems so basic.  Our outdated course authoring tool inside our LMS even has this capability. It's quite disappointing.