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AndyPeck's avatar
Community Member
13 years ago

Can't move endpoint on the time line in Storyline

I've dumped a large audio file (400+ sec) into one of my slides. I have then cropped it to the size I need (35 sec) and then saved it. Once I'm out of the audio editor my end point is way out in the 400 sec range. I am able to drag the endpoint back to the 42 sec point but no farther. I then right click on the timeline and see the duration of the audio file is set at 42 sec. The pop up window will not allow me to change the duration of the audio.  The audio wave on the regular timeline indicates that the sound stops at 35 sec. the file however extends to 42 sec. Does anyone have any suggestions?

  • I know this is a fairly old thread, but I thought it might be helpful to anyone who found it in the future if I let people know what worked for me in this case (couldn't move timeline endpoint). 

    I, too, originally had a longer piece of audio on the timeline and then replaced it with a shorter one (original was 140 seconds long and new one was about 60 seconds).  I didn't have any empty objects on the timeline, and everything was set to run until the timeline's end; but I couldn't drag the endpoint left from 140 seconds.

    I finally figured out that there were three objects (a couple of hotspots and a "click each image" textbox that appeared at the very end of the timeline.  When I right-clicked on them and chose "Timing," I found that they all had Start times that were later than the end of my audio (135 seconds with a "Show until end of slide" property).  Once I changed their start times to earlier than the end of the audio (55 seconds), I was able to drag the endpoint left to meet up with the end of the audio.

  • I have a similar issue. Captured a screen recording and saved it in Try mode. I am making edits to the slides and adding audio - today, out of the blue, I added 2.5 sec audio to my next slide, and boom, it pushes the slide duration to something like 41,000 sec. It will take half a day to try and drag the end point back! I have re-inserted the slide from a copy, re-generated the audio and imported again, still the same. Actually happening on 2 slides now. I have all the latest updates, and have shut down down 360 and restarted and still the same!! I have been using Articulate for a few years now, and have never seen this!

    There are no empty lines in the timeline, or any objects way out there either.

    Please help!!

    Edit: I forgot- when I try to change the properties, the duration box is greyed out, and says 1000s.


  • Workaround - pasted in a new screencapture. Edited the super long audio in the "bad" slide, and copy/pasted it into the new slide. I had 2 slides in a presentation do this, none of the other 40+.

  • Hi Chantal!

    I'm glad you found a workaround! Thank you for taking the time to share that with us. If you'd like another set of eyes on your project, would you mind uploading the .story file to us? Here's a secure upload link.

    • ChantalCallow-c's avatar
      Community Member

      I'll check if I still have a copy of the broken portion.

  • I came across this issue today and, in case this is helpful for anyone with the same cause, it turned out that I had objects within groups that had different timing. So when I tried moving the timeline back, part of my group shifted back and part did not. I moved back the parts within the groups to where they belonged, tried shifting the timeline back again, and it worked. 

    I've attached a screenshot of the end result after I shifted all the elements within the group - previously, the text elements were butted up against the right edge of the timeline.

  • I had this issue with a different cause - I had groups with entrance animations, but didn't realize that the items within my groups had different start and end points on the timeline. Once I fixed the inter-group timings, I could move my timeline end point again.