Jose, I'd like to add one other observation, if I may.
The Rise360 course I built in January was published into Totara on 1/18/24. At that time, the embedded videos looked fine, and they still look fine. However, eight days ago around 2/20/24, this pixelating started happening in Ries360 in this very same course. I was going to republish an updated version of this course, but could not because of the video presentations being blurry. So we are still using the version that was published on 1/18/24 in Totara until we figure out why the video in Rise360 are blurry.
So what happened on 2/20/24 with Rise360? Why did my embedded videos look perfectly fine for about 3 weeks straight, and were and are still fine since the course was published on 1/18/2024 into Totara? How are the embed links from Kaltura be working fine in a published version of my course but not working well in the unpublished version of the course?
I did try publishing the course again to see if perhaps that would clear up the issue.
It was so strange. 8 days ago. I was working in my course, and suddenly the intro video went blurry but the other 33 videos looked fine. Then over the course of 30-60 seconds, all the videos went blurry.
I guess, because of what I'm describing, I'm not convinced Kaltura is the problem, since the very same embed links are working fine in a published version of this same course.
Don't know if these details are helpful. But as others have suggested, a thumbnail generator in Rise360 might be nice.
Again, thanks for reaching out. Rise360 is a fun and flexible product to work with.