Forum Discussion

KrishnaKC-24012's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Can't switch from modern player to classic player

After updating to the latest version of the storyline, I'm unable to switch the player to the classic player. It says " Present layer as Dialog" is enabled. As this was a new project which by default is saying the above feature is enabled and unable to switch to classic. Please do resolve this issue. PFA the screenshot for reference.


  • Hi there, I think you need to delete the modern feedback master slides in order to switch.

  • Hello, I cannot switch from the modern player to the classic. I am getting "Dialog Layers" even when trying to switch on a brand-new project. Please assist.

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi Christina!

      Happy to help with this!

      Deleting the accessible Feedback Master, and its layouts, should allow you to restore access to the Classic Player. Here's a quick screen recording walking you through those steps!

      Please let me know if you have any more questions!