Forum Discussion

JavierMachado's avatar
Community Member
12 months ago

Player Loads Modern and Prohibits Classic

Recently, we started having an issue with player. We could not switch over from modern to classic. The error message it gave was Present Layer as a Dialog.  Opening a new file, I noticed It automatically loads the modern player without asking and does not allow to switch over to classic. 

After troubleshooting, I came to the conclusion that whenever a new storyline file is selected, it automatically loads the modern feedback. Having these feedback slides prohibits the switch to classic player. 

I did two things to figure this out. First, I loaded a clean version of player with the classic and it remained classic. Second, when I loaded a new file, it had the modern feedback layers, and did not allow me to switch over to the classic. So after deleting the modern feedback layers, I was able to switch over. There is an issue with the modern feedback layers.  

Please fix this.

Thank you. 


  • Hi Javier, this is the expected behaviour. I think Articulate will be encouraging developers to move to the modern player as it has much better support for accessibility. Their documentation directs you to remove the modern Feedback Masters to allow you to switch to the classic player.

  • Hi Javier...I cannot figure out how to remove the modern Feedback Masters...can you guide me a bit? I am not loving the modern though I recognize the value of accessibility

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Michele, 

      To switch the Player back so that it uses the Classic version, you'll need to first change the slide properties of the feedback layers in the Feedback Master View from Dialog to Layers. You'll want to make sure that none of your feedback layers use the 'Dialog' option.

      Feel free to share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case if you need any help making the changes!