Forum Discussion

MarisaRooCes's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

carpeta mobile

Hola a todos. Me pasa algo extraño. He realizado unos juegos con Story 360 y al publicarlos para LMS en algunos aparece la carpeta mobile y en otros no. Adjunto captura para explicarlo mejor. Están exactamente igual ambos proyectos pero uno de ellos no se ve en dispositivos móviles. Alguien puede ayudarme?


  • MarisaRooCes's avatar
    Community Member

    Aquí van de nuevo a ver si me puedes ayudar. Gracias!

  • Hi, Nuria.

    Thank you for sharing the screenshots!

    When publishing for LMS, you should also see a folder called LMS in the published output. Is it possible you're publishing for web instead?

    Either way, the mobile folder should be present. Let me ask you a few questions to narrow down the issue:

    • Did you try republishing the .story file? If so, did you experience the same problem?
    • Are you working from a local hard drive? We don't recommend working with files on a network drive.
    • Did you attempt to repair Storyline 360? Here are the instructions.

    If you can share the .story file through a support case, we're also happy to test it on our end to help you troubleshoot. 

  • MarisaRooCes's avatar
    Community Member

    Muchas gracias por la respuesta.

    Te explico mejor:

    Son 6 juegos y están publicados para WEB. En dos de ellos aparece la carpeta mobile, pero en los otros cuatro aunque lo haga de la misma manera no aparece.

    Trabajo desde disco duro local y también he instalado articulate 360 de nuevo. Te comparto el .story para que podáis verlo y el archivo para web. 

    Muchas gracias

  • Hi Nuria, 

    Thanks for sharing your project files. I tried replicating the reported behavior on my end, but my tests show that the published output of your project file does contain a mobile folder. Here's a screenshot of the contents included in my test: 


    Since the issue appears to be specific to when your course is published from your installation of Storyline 360, I recommend performing the repair steps mentioned by my colleague Maria. 

    Let me know if this works for you!