Forum Discussion

KatrinZitzelsbe's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Change colour after drag & drop / Change colour after visited a button

Hello all,

I have a problem with my created story. In my project you can find two layouts. I am not able to create the missing triggers.

The aim is to change the colour to "visit" when the button is clicked once. The same procedure on the second page. The clour of a button should change to "visited", if the button is draged and dropped to the middle of the page..
I am not sure how to create this drag & drop triggers or to change the colour after visited/clicked the button.

Could anyone help me with this problem?
Thanks in advance for your help!

  • Scene 1—BASE LAYER

    • Ungrouped everything
    • Deleted the text objects that you created separately for each of the oval buttons, they're not needed
    • Named all of your objects on the timeline 
    • Edited the oval buttons (btnA, btnB, btnC, btnK, btnL, btnN)
      • Added a text label to the Normal state for each oval objects
      • Aligned text to the top and adjusted the color of the text to white for the Selected state (make sure you align the text for each state to the top)
      • Added Selected and Visited (aqua) states (use the format painter to save time)
    • Rotated each of the button objects (use the curved thing at the top of the object while holding down the shift key)
      • B rotated 45 degrees
      • C rotated 120 degrees
      • K rotated 240 degrees
      • L rotated 300 degrees
      • N rotated 180 degrees
    • Selected all of the buttons by clicking on the shapes (don't select them using the timeline) > Right-click > Button set > New set > I called it buttons
    • Create trigger: Change state of btnA to Selected When the user clicks on btnA [Do this for each button]
      • You can save time by copying the A trigger (after you create it) > pasting it> editing it (so that it is for B, etc.)
      • Create more triggers to change other states to Normal when another button is clicked
        • Change state of btnA to Normal When the user clicks btn B
          • Copy and repeat with changes for btnC, K, L, and N
    • Create trigger: Show layer A-Teile When the user clicks btnA (Copy > Paste > Edit  for each layer/button combination)

    Scene 1—LAYERS A, B, C, K, L, and N

    • Delete all groups and ovals from so that only the text in the middle remains
      • Your text on layers C, K, L, and N is identical—did you forget to edit it?


    • You probably should add logic (using variables) so that all the buttons can show the Visited state after they've all been clicked. Right now there's always one that reverts back to Normal because this is a button set.
    • You could change the slide trigger so that the Next Button is Normal after all the buttons have been changed to the Visited state. Right now you have it set to 10 seconds, but you really don't know how long it will take the learner.

    Sorry, I didn't have time to look at your Scene #2 (Besonderheiten bei E- und X- Teil).

    Good luck!

  • This  trigger is problematic:


    All the built-in states have built-in triggers that give them their superpowers. Creating your own triggers to duplicate those superpowers is akin to tugging on Superman's cape - not likely to end well for you. Clicking on an object with a Visited state automatically changes its state to Visited.
    Try to do it any other way, and you really don't know what might happen. It is much safer to use a custom state with a different name.

    Also, groups are known not to play nicely with any other element in SL, but especially not with states and triggers. You would be better off giving your ovals outlines using the built-in  Outline and Width functions  that are found in the Drawing tab when you select an object.