Forum Discussion

TamsinRobson's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Change Individual button States in a Grouped menu


I'm following a session from a few months back and Dave has covered how to change the states on individual buttons that are contained in a Group, but when I try to replicate this I don't have the option his Triggers give.

This is the session, it's at 28:38 and I just can't figure out how he set the custom option for "To" and then "Mouseover"

Has anyone else been able to crack this?

  • That's a basic trigger to change the state of an object. You'll only see the option to change the state to "Mouseover" if the object has a state called "Mouseover." If you don't already have a custom state with that name, you'll have to create one.

    BTW, anything in the Trigger Wizard that has a dashed underline is editable. So if you're not seeing what you want/expect for part of a trigger, try clicking the options to see what's available.