Forum Discussion

CarrieAnnDes581's avatar
Community Member
6 years ago

Changing Hyperlink Color in Rise


I am a longtime Storyline user but new to Rise. I would like to use the text over image block to link to an external site (as there is no way to make an image a clickable hyperlink). I can make the text a hyperlink - but it turns darks blue and cannot be seen over the image.

I did use the text editor, but it will not let me change the color of the hyperlinked text. Suggestions?

Thank you!

Carrie Ann

  • Hi Carrie Ann!

    By default, hyperlinks use the color you've chosen as your theme color in the course settings. However, there's an easy way to choose a different color! The trick is to set the color before adding the hyperlink.

    First, highlight the text and change the color to your desired color and underline the text. Then, highlight the text again and add the hyperlink.

    Now the text will be hyperlinked and underlined in your desired font color!

  • Is there a way to change the hover color for a hyperlink?  The hover colors that Rise generates are too faded and aren't accessible to some users because of insufficient contrast.

    • Renz_Sevilla's avatar

      Hi Delphinia! There isn't a way to directly change the hover color for the hyperlink, but you can change the hyperlink color itself. The hover color always becomes a lighter version of what the hyperlink text was.

  • I know this post is a bit old, but there still needs to be a better solution than this. While I can change the link color by changing the font color before I make the link, the underline stays the same accent color and doesn't match the text.

    I have submitted a feature request.

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Scott,

      When I follow the instructions provided by Alyssa, this is what I get:

  • Thanks, Karl. If it works for you then I'm not sure what's happening with me.

    This is what I get. Note, that our accent is a gold color that fits with our company's color scheme. Four different attempts with a variety of colors and the gold underline show in all of them. They also show me using the pre-written boilerplate text and text that I typed in myself. This is a bit of a head-scratcher.


    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Scott,

      If I skip the underline step, I get the same results as you.

  • Ooooooooh! I completely missed that I had to manually underline the text before setting the link. It works now. 

    I do think this emphasizes that a global theme setting for hyperlinks would be so much more efficient. I have been tinkering with this on and off for years and never thought to manually underline the text myself. 

    Thanks a bunch, Karl!

  • CraigStruble's avatar
    Community Member

    I'm surprised this hasn't been fixed yet (mainly for accessibility reasons).  The workaround is a bit clunky.  If anyone needs it, the hex code for a standard blue hyperlink is: #0000EE

  • Hello, for a week now the trick (change text colour and underline before adding link) to change the colour of hyperlinks no longer works. This is painful because the main colour of my Rise, and therefore of the hyperlinks, is yellow. And yellow is everything but readable as a text/link colour. So now I am a bit lost. Can anyone recommend another trick? Or should I dive into the CSS? 

    • JoyZanni's avatar
      Community Member

      My co-worker just ran into the same issue. Her workaround was to type the content into a Word document and then update the color, and hyperlink address. She then copied this content back into the Rise block and it worked. The color, underlining, and hyperlinks stayed. 

      • d-teachonlinetr's avatar
        Community Member

        OMG, I never thought this would work, but it does. Thanks for sharing and a big shout out to your colleague.

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      There is a solution. See this post 

      • KarynMurray-48c's avatar
        Community Member

        Thanks Karl, I tried the other solution suggested by Joy but it didn't work. This method works!