Forum Discussion

MagdalenaBar556's avatar
Community Member
3 hours ago

Checklist triggers


I am trying to build a matrix that learners can use to determine the quality level. The idea was to use a checklist table with check-boxes in each row in separate button sets. Selecting the correct checkbox combination reveals one of the six quality level layers.

I set up the triggers to follow the pattern below:

Outstanding quality level = 5 x 'Meets criteria' 
Very good quality level = 4 x 'Meets criteria' and 1x ‘could do better’ 
Good quality level  = 3 x 'Meets criteria' and 2x ‘could do betters’ 
Acceptable quality level = 3 x ‘could do betters’ and 2x 'meets criteria' 
Poor= 4 ‘could do betters’ and 1x 'meets criteria' OR 5x 'could do better' OR 2 or more 'does not meet criteria'
Acceptable/Poor (consider other factors) = 1x 'does not meet criteria' regardless of where the other four ticks are. 


I've been trying to mock this up, and managed to get this working for situations where learners make their selection for the first time. Problems begin when you start making changes to the selection. It works in some situations but not in others. For example, if I initially arrive at the Outstanding level, and start moving the ticks to the "could do better" column everything works as it should. However, when I do it in reverse (i.e. from five ticks in the 'Could do better' column I start moving one tick at the time to the 'Meet criteria' column, the layer remain stuck at "poor" all the way until all five ticks are back in the 'Meet criteria' column (so skipping, 'Acceptable', 'Good' and 'Very good' layers). Same happens when moving ticks one by one 'Could do better' to 'Poor column' the layers do not change as they should. 

I am sure there's something very obvious I'm missing, but frankly I am drawing a complete blank. My current workaround is a reset button restarting the course that learners will be instructed to select in order to clear their selection/start again.

However, I wonder if there's a set-up that would not require the rest button and ensure the layers change correctly both when using the checklist for the first time and when changing the selection. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • I think it's easier to control this using variables. That method is shown in the first slide of the attached file. 

    • There are number variables to track how many buttons are selected in each category (DoesNotMeet, CouldDoBetter, Meets).
    • All the programming is done on a "programming" layer, which is shown every time the user clicks one of the buttons. 
    • Triggers on the programming layer add the number of selected buttons in each category. Then triggers show the appropriate feedback layer based on those numbers. Then a trigger closes the programming layer. 
    • Note: Depending on what someone selects, a feedback layer might not show until multiple selections are made. That's because the first few selections might not meet the criteria for showing a layer.