Forum Discussion

IrisSchlabitz's avatar
Community Member
11 months ago

Circle Motion path problems


I am trying to have a circular motion path move only a specific percentage, e.g. 25%. In older versions I belief I was able to shift the half green dot and half red dot to the position where I need to have the partly circular move to be. However I can no longer grab the dots and move them.

Also, if I tried to enter a 25% in the "Rotation" space under Animation, but this has no effect at all. The circle always goes all the way around (360°).

Any idea on how to go about this or is this a bug that needs to be fixed?

  • Was it a circle motion path?  It sounds more like an arch motion path or... maybe a dial.
    You can convert an object into a dial, move the rotation point, and change the dial's start and endpoints. You can then "animate" the dial by using some other trigger to add values to the dial (similar to controlling a slider with some other object).  It's not as smooth and certainly more complex to control but might achieve the desired effect.

  • Hi Owen,

    yes, I was actually meaning circular.

    I am attaching a SL file to show what I mean and what is supposed to be happening:

    Clicking on each of the numbered leaves, the leaf should turn smoothly to show the large leaf and text. 

    I tried the Dial - but this does not work properly, I don't know why. Also, how do I apply a smooth turn here?

    Perhaps You can find a solution for me?