
Video Tutorials

Engage 360: Circle Diagram Interactions

The circle diagram interaction in Engage 360 lets learners examine the relationship of items in a circular hierarchy. Use the circle diagram interaction to:

  • Show related items within a hierarchy.
  • Organize concepts into segments and layers.
  • Graphically depict a philosophy or approach.

Exploring the Editor

The circle diagram editor has three columns with the following panels:


Located in the upper left corner of the editor, this panel is used to manage layers and segments for the circle diagram.


Located in the lower left corner, this panel is used to select segments of the circle for editing. It also provides a dynamic preview of the circle's layout.


Located in the middle of the screen, this panel is used to add text to each segment.


Located in the upper right corner of the editor, this panel is used to add and edit audio.


Located in the lower right corner, this panel is used to add pictures, characters, and videos.


Here are some tips for working with the editor:

  • Change the width of a column by dragging its boundary with your mouse.
  • Expand the Steps panel or Segments panel by dragging the boundary between them up or down.
  • Click the triangle beside any layer in the Steps panel to collapse or expand it.
  • Click the triangle in the upper right corner of the Segments panel to collapse it if you need more room to work with the Steps panel. Click it again to reopen the panel.
  • Click the triangle in the upper right corner of the Audio panel to collapse it if you need more room to work with the Media panel. Click it again to reopen the panel.

Adding Layers and Segments to a Circle Diagram

Each step in a circle diagram interaction is called a segment, and segments are grouped into layers.


To add a layer to your diagram, do either of the following:

  • Press Ctrl+G.
  • Go to the Circle Diagram tab on the ribbon and click Add Layer.

New layers get added to the outside of the circle.


To add a segment, do any of the following:

  • Press Ctrl+M.
  • Go to the Circle Diagram tab on the ribbon and click Add Segment.
  • Click the Create a new step button in the lower left corner of the Steps panel.
  • Click the Duplicate button at the bottom of the Steps panel to copy the currently selected segment(s).

New segments get added just below the segment that's currently selected in the Steps panel. If an entire layer is selected, new segments get added to the end of the layer. Segments can't be added to the core layer, introduction, or summary.

Tip: A circle diagram interaction can have up to 11 layers and up to 20 segments per layer.

Changing the Color of Layers

To change the color of a layer, do the following:

  1. Select the layer in the Steps panel or in the Segments panel.
  2. Go to the Circle Diagram tab on the ribbon and click Layer Color.
  3. Choose one of the predefined colors, or click More Colors at the bottom of the drop-down and specify a custom color.

Tip: Segments on the same layer can't be different colors.

Rotating Layers

You can rotate a layer to change the position of its segments in relation to other layers. Here's how:

  1. Select the layer in the Steps panel or in the Segments panel.
  2. Go to the Circle Diagram tab on the ribbon and click Rotation.
  3. Choose one of the rotation values.

Renaming Segments

To rename a segment, do either of the following:

  • Double-click the segment in the Steps panel to open it for editing. Type the new name and press the Enter key on your keyboard.
  • Select the segment in the Steps panel, then type the new name in the title field at the top of the text panel.

Tip: You can rename the introduction or summary in the same way. (Layers can't be renamed.)

Rearranging Layers and Segments

Here's how to change the order of layers and segments.


Select one or more layers in the Steps panel and do either of the following:

  • Drag them to a new location in the list. An orange line will move with your mouse to indicate where the layers will be dropped when your mouse button is released.
  • Go to the Circle Diagram tab on the ribbon, click Move Layer, then select In or Out.
  • Use the Up and Down arrows at the bottom of the Steps panel.


Select one or more segments in the Steps panel and do any of the following:

  • Drag them to a new location in the list. An orange line will move with your mouse to indicate where the segments will be dropped when your mouse button is released.
  • Go to the Circle Diagram tab on the ribbon and click Move Segment. To move segments to a different layer, select either In or Out. To change their position on the same layer, select either Counterclockwise or Clockwise.
  • Use the Up and Down arrows at the bottom of the Steps panel.

Tip: The introduction and summary can't be moved, nor can a segment be moved when it's the only one on a particular layer.

Deleting Layers and Segments

To delete a layer or segment, select it in the Steps panel and do any of the following:

  • Press the Delete key on your keyboard.
  • Go to the Circle Diagram tab on the ribbon, then click Delete Layer or Delete Segment.
  • Click the Delete button at the bottom of the Steps panel.

Tip: You can't delete the introduction or summary, but you can hide them. A segment can't be deleted when it's the only one on a particular layer.

Adding Content to Segments

To add text, audio, and media to each segment in your interaction, see these user guides:

Adding and Formatting Text
Adding Audio
Adding Media

Changing the Placement of the Circle

Choose whether you want the circle to appear on the left or the right side of your interaction. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the Circle Diagram tab on the ribbon and click Interaction Properties.
  2. Select the Circle Diagram tab on the left side of the window.
  3. Choose Left or Right from the drop-down.
  4. Click OK.

You Might Also Want to Explore:

Working with the Interaction Title
Working with Interaction Properties

Published 9 years ago
Version 1.0

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